Just a couple of images I made for use in Flags/Countries and Flags/Keymaps
These are the images used in Locale Prefs and Input Prefs.
Look at other weird stuff from me:
/demo/aga/nebula.lha - Cool Spacey demo
/dev/basic/bgp.lha - Blitz Genetic-Programming Environment
/dev/basic/gasp.lha - Genetic Algorithm Sample Packer in Blitz
/dev/misc/SimpTrans.lha - Simple Automatic Translation of .ct files!
/dev/misc/ST_uk2gr.lha - Uk2Gr phrasebook for SimpTrans
/dev/misc/YAAV.lha - YAAV V0.99 - Yet Another Autodoc Viewer
/game/shoot/allrox.lha - HardCore FRENETIC shootem'up - HARD! FAST! OUCH!
/game/actio/wreckage.lha - Experimental Driving Sim
/game/actio/wreckage_src.lha - Source for driving sim (older version)
/gfx/show/gsaview.lha - View ghostscript output with anti-aliasing
/mus/misc/filtersound.lha - Cli-Based FIR/IIR sample filter
/util/pack/agf.lha - AGF V0.9 n*8-bit Sample Pre-Packing Processor