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Short:Star Trek Ascii Pictures
Uploader:Daniel Amor <daniel amor student uni-tuebingen de>
Download:pix/misc/Trek_Ascii.lha - View contents

This archive contains some Star Trek Ascii Pictures, which you can use
for your signatures, your e-mails etc. They were take from the Online
Library CD-ROM, Volume 1, which is available from Amiga Library Services
<>. Available in September 1995.

Here an example:

                                   ___---~~~~~.. ... .... ... ..~~~~~---___
                             _ ================================================
 __________________________ - .. ..   _--~~~~~-------____-------~~~~~
(______________________][__)____     -
   /       /______---~~~.. .. ..~~-_~
      ~~~~~~~-----__           __-


Online Library, Volume 1

The  Online  Library is the ultimative source for texts from all around the
(cyber-)world.   More  than  10,000  documents are on this CD, saving you a
huge amount of space in your bookshelf.

There  are  more  than  200  books  on this CD, available in many languages
(English,  German, French, Italian, Danish, Swedish, Finnish, Icelandic and
Latin),  e.g.  the books of Edwin A.  Abbot (Flatland), Dante Alighieri (La
Divina  Commedia),  Edgar  Rice Burroughs (Tarzan), Julius Ceasar (De Bello
Gallico),  Kate  Chopin,  Cicero,  Antonella  D'Addeo,  Charles  Dickens (A
Christmas Carol), Arthur Conan Doyle (Sherlock Holmes), Johann Wolfgang von
Goethe,  Thomas  Hardy,  Victor  Hugo,  Washington Irving, Henry James (The
American), John Milton, Lucy Maud Montgomery, Plato, Sir Walter Scott, Mary
Shelley  (Frankenstein), Upton Sinclair, Sophocles (Antigone), Robert Louis
Stevenson  (the  strange case of Dr.  Jekyll and Mr.  Hyde), Lev Nikolaevic
Tolstoi,  Mark  Twain (the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn), Giovanni Verga,
Jules  Verne  (20000  Leagues under the Sea), Jean Webster, H.G.  Wells and
many more.

In  addition  to these books, there are thousands of FAQs (Frequently Asked
Questions) and RFCs (Request for Comments) from the Internet.  You also get
many  information about computers, about the Internet and information about
the Software Society.

There are also sections about economy, humour (more than 10000 jokes), laws
(USA,  Italy, Sweden, Finnland and Germany), maths, movies, music, national
anthems,  electronic newspapers, picture gallery, poetry, politics, recipes
(more  than  500),  religion  (the  Bible  in 7 languages: English, German,
French, Swedisch, Finnish, Turkish, Danish), science and travel.

As a special there are more than 600 Star Trek Texts on this CD-ROM.

Everything  on  this  CD-ROM  is  ready  to  read,  just use your favourite
WWW-Browser  (e.g.  Netscape, Mosaic) to browse through the documents.  All
Menus are available in English, German, French and Italian.  Works with any
computer that supports WWW-Browser (e.g.  Amiga, Mac, OS/2, Unix).

Online-Library, Volume 1

Die  Online Library ist die ultimative Quelle für Texte aus der Cyber-Welt.
Mehr  as  10  000  Dokumente befinden sich auf dieser CD und ersparen Ihnen
somit eine Menge Platz in ihrem Bücherregal.

Es  gibt  mehr  als  200 Bücher auf dieser CD, in vielen Sprachen verfügbar
(English, Deutsch, Französisch, Italienisch, Dänisch, Schwedisch, Finnisch,
Isländisch   und  Latein),  wie  z.B.   die  Bücher  von  Edwin  A.   Abbot
(Flatland),  Dante  Alighieri  (La  Divina  Commedia), Edgar Rice Burroughs
(Tarzan),  Julius Ceasar (De Bello Gallico), Kate Chopin, Cicero, Antonella
D'Addeo,  Charles Dickens (A Christmas Carol), Arthur Conan Doyle (Sherlock
Holmes),  Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Thomas Hardy, Victor Hugo, Washington
Irving,  Henry  James  (The  American),  John Milton, Lucy Maud Montgomery,
Platon,  Sir  Walter  Scott,  Mary  Shelley (Frankenstein), Upton Sinclair,
Sophokles  (Antigone),  Robert Louis Stevenson (Dr.  Jekyll und Mr.  Hyde),
Lev  Nikolaevic  Tolstoi,  Mark Twain (die Abenteuer von Huckleberry Finn),
Giovanni  Verga,  Jules  Verne (20000 Meilen unter dem Meer), Jean Webster,
H.G.  Wells und vieles mehr.

Zu  diesem  Büchern kommen noch tausende von FAQs (Häufig gestellte Fragen)
und  RFCs  (Request  for  Comment)  aus  dem  Internet.   Sie  können  auch
Informationen  über  Computer,  über  das  Internet  und  über die Software
Society abrufen.

Es  gibt  auch  Bereiche  über  Wirtschaft,  Humor  (mehr als 10000 Witze),
Gesetze  (USA,  Italien,  Schweden,  Finnland und Deutschland), Mathematik,
Filme,  Musik,  Nationalhymnen,  Elektronische Zeitungen, Bilder, Gedichte,
Politik,  Rezepte  (mehr  als  500),  Religion  (die  Bibel  in 7 Sprachen:
Englisch,  Deutsch,  Französisch, Schwedisch, Finnisch, Türkisch, Dänisch),
Wissenschaft und Reisen.

Als besondere Zugabe befinden sich mehr als 600 Texte zum Thema Raumschiff
Enterprise auf dieser CD-ROM.

Alles  ist  auf  dieser  CD-ROM  fertig  installiert.   Benutzen  Sie ihren
Lieblings-WWW-Browser  (z.B.   Netscape, Mosaic), um durch die Dokumente zu
gehen.  Alle Menüs sind auf Englisch, Deutsch, Französisch und Italienisch.
Die  CD  funktioniert mit jedem Computer, der WWW-Browser unterstützt (z.B.
Amiga, Mac, OS/2, Unix).

Contents of pix/misc/Trek_Ascii.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                  284    1139  24.9% -lh5- 8438 Aug 12  1995 trek_ascii/bridge
[generic]                   53     119  44.5% -lh5- 5e09 Aug 12  1995 trek_ascii/communicator-1
[generic]                   51      73  69.9% -lh5- 2a0d Aug 12  1995 trek_ascii/communicator-2
[generic]                   76     372  20.4% -lh5- 3df7 Aug 12  1995 trek_ascii/cube
[generic]                 2228    5025  44.3% -lh5- 4713 Aug 12  1995 trek_ascii/declaration_class
[generic]                  432    1342  32.2% -lh5- e73e Aug 12  1995 trek_ascii/dreadnaught
[generic]                 2302   11403  20.2% -lh5- 4a78 Aug 12  1995 trek_ascii/feds
[generic]                   52     268  19.4% -lh5- 3b83 Aug 12  1995 trek_ascii/grid
[generic]                  801    3659  21.9% -lh5- cad9 Aug 12  1995 trek_ascii/klingon
[generic]                   96     281  34.2% -lh5- b5f7 Aug 12  1995 trek_ascii/klingon_insignia
[generic]                  456    2642  17.3% -lh5- d024 Aug 12  1995 trek_ascii/knife
[generic]                  233     821  28.4% -lh5- 052f Aug 12  1995 trek_ascii/logo-dsn-1
[generic]                  218     672  32.4% -lh5- fae5 Aug 12  1995 trek_ascii/logo-dsn-2
[generic]                  153     462  33.1% -lh5- 3184 Aug 12  1995 trek_ascii/logo-tfs
[generic]                  196     616  31.8% -lh5- 17c9 Aug 12  1995 trek_ascii/logo-tng
[generic]                  117     425  27.5% -lh5- e6d8 Aug 12  1995 trek_ascii/logo-tos
[generic]                  270     800  33.8% -lh5- 66f0 Aug 12  1995 trek_ascii/lynx
[generic]                  436     725  60.1% -lh5- e79e Aug 12  1995 trek_ascii/nova.txt
[generic]                  541    2233  24.2% -lh5- 9938 Aug 12  1995 trek_ascii/prototype
[generic]                  200     774  25.8% -lh5- ff92 Aug 12  1995 trek_ascii/romulan_insignia
[generic]                  414    1383  29.9% -lh5- 7361 Aug 12  1995 trek_ascii/ships-fed/ambassador
[generic]                  386    1434  26.9% -lh5- 303c Aug 12  1995 trek_ascii/ships-fed/cheyenne
[generic]                  302     949  31.8% -lh5- b9b8 Aug 12  1995 trek_ascii/ships-fed/constellation
[generic]                  292    1101  26.5% -lh5- abe6 Aug 12  1995 trek_ascii/ships-fed/constitution
[generic]                  326    1116  29.2% -lh5- 2c03 Aug 12  1995 trek_ascii/ships-fed/constitution_refit
[generic]                  230     688  33.4% -lh5- 9578 Aug 12  1995 trek_ascii/ships-fed/daedalus
[generic]                  253     867  29.2% -lh5- a5a0 Aug 12  1995 trek_ascii/ships-fed/declaration
[generic]                  358    1157  30.9% -lh5- 99f5 Aug 12  1995 trek_ascii/ships-fed/excelsior
[generic]                  698    3897  17.9% -lh5- c1ce Aug 12  1995 trek_ascii/ships-fed/galaxy
[generic]                  341    1122  30.4% -lh5- d919 Aug 12  1995 trek_ascii/ships-fed/miranda
[generic]                  318    1117  28.5% -lh5- 1a42 Aug 12  1995 trek_ascii/ships-fed/miranda_refit
[generic]                  370    1368  27.0% -lh5- 5da7 Aug 12  1995 trek_ascii/ships-fed/nebula
[generic]                  398    1435  27.7% -lh5- 6f43 Aug 12  1995 trek_ascii/ships-fed/new_orleans
[generic]                  578    1676  34.5% -lh5- 23f1 Aug 12  1995 trek_ascii/ships-fed/nova
[generic]                  289     775  37.3% -lh5- 231e Aug 12  1995 trek_ascii/ships-fed/oberth
[generic]                  191     393  48.6% -lh5- a3b6 Aug 12  1995 trek_ascii/ships-fed/runabout
[generic]                  459    1411  32.5% -lh5- 8c9a Aug 12  1995 trek_ascii/ships-fed/shuttlecraft
[generic]                  352    1537  22.9% -lh5- e50f Aug 12  1995 trek_ascii/ships-fed/soyuz
[generic]                  379     993  38.2% -lh5- 6e41 Aug 12  1995 trek_ascii/ships-ferengi/marauder
[generic]                  542    2434  22.3% -lh5- 5ef1 Aug 12  1995 trek_ascii/ships-kling/brel
[generic]                  239     730  32.7% -lh5- b4f9 Aug 12  1995 trek_ascii/ships-kling/ktinga
[generic]                  272     919  29.6% -lh5- 1e29 Aug 12  1995 trek_ascii/ships-kling/vorcha
[generic]                  236     817  28.9% -lh5- 9da9 Aug 12  1995 trek_ascii/ships-rom/bird_of_prey
[generic]                  691    2618  26.4% -lh5- 291c Aug 12  1995 trek_ascii/ships-rom/dderidex
[generic]                  365    1153  31.7% -lh5- d1b8 Aug 12  1995 trek_ascii/ships-rom/scout
[generic]                  149     454  32.8% -lh5- b461 Aug 12  1995 trek_ascii/transport
[generic]                  411    1329  30.9% -lh5- 4f8f Aug 12  1995 trek_ascii/tricorder
[generic]                  175     435  40.2% -lh5- 19e0 Aug 12  1995 trek_ascii/ufp_insignia
[generic]                 2350    4868  48.3% -lh5- 14a5 Aug 14  1995 Trek_Ascii.readme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        49 files   21559   74027  29.1%            Aug 15  1995
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