Status: Freeware
Distribution: Aminet:sites & cd authorized
Others:authorization required (e-mail)
Total Size: (uncompressed): 323.031 bytes
Country: France
© Timothee LEMOINE - 1999
All rights reserved
Only for a private use
* Images created with DeluxePaint and Sirdgen
* In these images, an object in 3D may appear, if you know the
'Magic Eye' viewing technique, which gives an illusion of 3D
* Configuration used: Amiga 1200-Blizzard1260/50mhz-32Mo
* If you appreciate these images, please send a mail to the author!
* Contents of the archive:
TIM_Stéréogramme_01.pic: Sceau "TIM"
TIM_Stéréogramme_02.pic: Le cadeau enrubanné
TIM_Stéréogramme_03.pic: Fleur en 3D
TIM_Stéréogramme_04.pic: Bandelettes entrelacées
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