Humorous computer wars IFF pictures & brushes. Hardware and Operating Systems
depicted: Amiga, Apple, Atari, IBM, Intel, Mac, MicroSoft Windows, OS/2, PS/2.
The Ami CHECKMARK & spinning (color cycling) BOING-ball are also present in
this variety-filled collection. Some of the graphics are in the style of Jim
Sachs or Brad Schenck. The included Computer GraveYard pic has a Halloween
motif with digitized elements. Suitable for framing or dissection as clip-art
in your own pro-Amiga demos, games, presentations, newsletters, as long as
credit is given. All images except for the Intel and two small Mac pics are
by Pat Fish.
IFF Pictures of Mohawk Valley Amiga User Group-related COLOR CLIP ART. Includes
several versions of the Amiga CHECKMARK, and stylized MVAUG and GURU (Greater
Utica-Rome Users) logos, with extras like a library-disk brush and 3D extruded
Checkmark-GURU symbol. MVAUG logos appear in 3 different styles: One based on
original Amiga typeface (as seen on the 1000 and most brochures); 2 variations
modeled on the second official CBM Amiga emblem (sharp blue trapezoid shape
with tail underline); a 3rd using my original font encompassing the Checkmark
as two of the letters. Designed to look correct regardless of resolution or
aspect ratio. Provided in a variety of sizes and depths to look good on AGA
machines or even the original A1000. Components of the images and text
characters can be clipped for custom usage in demos, presentations,
newsletters, games, etc., as long as credit is given. By Pat Fish.
A few of my early pics with different themes (mostly IFF format). Two Halloween
images with spooky cat (diff resolutions) and pumpkin brushes. A No-Bat pic in
GIF format, an early Mets Logo, a stylized blue-shaded graphic-word "FISH",
rainbow color cycling logo for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, a
Contra-Aid political cartoon originally done on the C64, later colored on
Amiga, and two Doodle converted pics from the C=64, one of Mr. Spock, and of
my earliest No-Apples logo. By Pat Fish.
Pat Fish
948 Stark St.
Utica NY 13502-4123