Well, what more can I say? It's a picture of Windows 95 going down in
flames!! It also has a bold `Amiga OS' title in blue.
The updated Win95Burn.jpg is a JPEG of my cool Windows 95 burning, but in
24-bit. By popular demand (2 e-mails, hey, everybody counts), I had decided
to upload the 24-bit IFF version of this pic, but when I looked for it, it
wasn't there! Damn! So I decided to upload the next best thing: a JPEG of
the PIC. It's not perfect, but if you _really_ want it (ie, e-mail me),
then I'll put up the 180K JPEG (right now it's a 38K JPEG, but at lower
image quality--Sorry Greg and Mike!).
Anyways, there is also the pic as a GIF in Win95Burn.lha on Aminet.
It's a 256-colour GIF at 640x400. (Sorry PAL users; if you wanted to, you
could add your system specs, your name, or whatever else in the remaining
112 lines of your display.)
* I want EVERY Amiga user with an ounce of pride to use this BootPic!!! *
Sadly, though, I wish I could upload the 24-bit IFF version of this picture,
in all its glory in the format in which it was originally made. I will,
however, also upload a JPEG of the picture. Look for it in pix/misc, or
whatever. If it's not there, then do a search on AmiNet's WebSite for
`Win95BURN!!!'. I really HATE JPEGs!!! Oh, yeah, the compression is
absolutely fabulous, but the artifacting and the lossy quality that is
inherent in the nature of the JPEG is really undesirable for pixel-perfect
images, so JPEGs are really only good for porno pictures, (which you won't
find on Aminet). Renders and the like should stay as preserved as possible;
so should 15-bit grabs of ShapeShifter screens.
And please, please, please! no Greyscale JPEGs!!! JPEGs are quantized so
that the colour information is compressed more than the greyscale data.
In other words, if you think a 256-level greyscale image will compress as
well as a 24-bit colour image when converted to JPEG, then forget it!
Might as well (or better) use a 256-colour greyscale GIF anyway.
Uhhh... Sorry for that rant. If anybody wants my original 24-bit IFF of
this picture that I created, then e-mail me c/o spini@direct.ca. If I get
enough e-mail requests, then I'll upload the original to Aminet.
Seriously, though. I want everybody who owns an Amiga to proudly display
this picture in all its incendiary glory to anybody who would scoff at the
Amiga and who would adopt Windows (WinBlows, WinDoze, WinChokes) just because
their computer retailer would make more commission from a $4500 PC than from a
$1000 (I got my 1200 used for $600 Cdn!) Amiga, and, therefore, try more
earnestly to sell the PC to the unsuspecting user. Think about that! Print
it on your Amiga and make a poster. Put it on a T-shirt, buy another Amiga
1200 just so that you can connect it to a monitor which you then mount in
front of your window and have a Windows 95 Burning for 24 hours for all of
your neighbourhood block to see!
Have fun with the pic!
Chris Covell