84782 packages online
pix/boot/Blizzard3Pics.lha |
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| AmigaStart Boot Pics For Blizzard TurboCards |
This Pictures are CardWare.Send me a Card and I send You more Pictures !
Author of the Blizzard TurboCards BootPics for AmigaStart :
--> Michael Schewior
18 Rue Du Maire Touchemann
67280 Urmatt
My Configuration :
--> Amiga 1200 34Mb ( 2Mb Chip + 32 Mb Fast )
--> BliZZard 1230IV 68030'882 @ 50MHz (16 Mb Simm on Board)
--> ScSi2 Kit (16 Mb Simm on ScSi Kit)
--> Seagate XR-3491 IDE HardDrive 420Mb
--> Dataflyer XDS External IDE HD Box
--> Pioneer DR-U124X ScSi CD-Rom,Speed : 4.4X
--> Citizen Swift 200C
--> Commodore 1803 Screen
The Pictures was taken from AmigaStart95_8 Archive and the Blizzard Pictures
was from Phase5 HomePage
I hope You like Them !!!!!
Author of AmigaStart : Ian J.Einman
P.O. Box 5711
Bellingham, WA 98227
Blizzard is a Registred Trademark of Phase 5. All Rights Reserved.
Amiga is a Registred Trademark of Escom AG.
============================== Archive Contents ==========================================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
1188 546 54.0% 15-Jun-96 02:49:38 Blizzard3Pics.info
1264 582 53.9% 29-Jun-96 10:14:30 Blizzard3Pics/BlizzardPics.doc
468 240 48.7% 15-Jun-96 02:49:38 Blizzard3Pics/BlizzardPics.doc.info
101020 75454 25.3% 15-Jun-96 01:27:56 Blizzard3Pics/Default_64III.as
2337 871 62.7% 15-Jun-96 02:42:58 Blizzard3Pics/Default_64III.as.info
109026 70825 35.0% 15-Jun-96 01:20:48 Blizzard3Pics/Future_64III.as
2337 872 62.6% 15-Jun-96 02:43:00 Blizzard3Pics/Future_64III.as.info
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
217640 149390 31.3% 06-Jul-96 13:11:24 7 files
Contents of pix/boot/Blizzard3Pics.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 546 1188 46.0% -lh5- 3c97 Jun 15 1996 Blizzard3Pics.info
[generic] 582 1264 46.0% -lh5- 10aa Jun 29 1996 Blizzard3Pics/BlizzardPics.doc
[generic] 240 468 51.3% -lh5- 3633 Jun 15 1996 Blizzard3Pics/BlizzardPics.doc.info
[generic] 75454 101020 74.7% -lh5- fc66 Jun 15 1996 Blizzard3Pics/Default_64III.as
[generic] 871 2337 37.3% -lh5- 2862 Jun 15 1996 Blizzard3Pics/Default_64III.as.info
[generic] 70825 109026 65.0% -lh5- 2faf Jun 15 1996 Blizzard3Pics/Future_64III.as
[generic] 872 2337 37.3% -lh5- cfe5 Jun 15 1996 Blizzard3Pics/Future_64III.as.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 7 files 149390 217640 68.6% Jul 7 1996
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