Well with all the hoopla about morphing with Imagemaster, I had to try it
out. So here is a test morph I put together to see how well the software
would work. It is a 40 frame animation of my wife turning into a leopard.
I was quite impressed with the results and I think you will be to. This
is a DCTV animation because the standard Amiga modes did not do it justice
and they increased the file size 2-4 times. If you don't have DCTV, play it
on a friend's machine that does. This test confirmed my purchase plans
for Imagemaster. Thanks Ben for the spiffy software.
% ` ' Mark Thompson CONCURRENT COMPUTER %
% --==* RADIANT *==-- mark@westford.ccur.com Principal Graphics %
% ' Image ` ...!uunet!masscomp!mark Hardware Architect %
% Productions (508)392-2480 (603)424-1829 & General Nuisance %
% %