ghost town robe V1.1
- robe (skin) for Prayer V2.x -
robe author: u-rosh tha beauty
prayer author: tamara cetinjski
- what is this?
this is a robe (skin) for the ultimate amiga mp3 player, prayer. this robe
can't causes you any damage, but everything is possible. if that so, i take
no responsibility for damage. anyway, enjoy it.
- emailware
if you use this robe, let me know! thank you.
- features
all in one: all the gadgets, info's and praylist are in the same window.
compact size: robe is compact, and it can be used on no-lace screens, and
it looks fine.
reduced colors: it has only 28 colors.
design: i think that it looks pretty cool and that it fits fine on any
screen and resolution.
text: the praylist shows 14 songs 35 chars long same as song name field.
author field shows about 30 chars. quite enough i think.
gadgets: they are raised and recessed (11+3) in dummy 3d look. it got 3 2d
gadgets for sliders.
analizers: 2 (left and right). low is a light purple color, high is dirty
yellow color.
- functions
praylist (left to right): add, remove, load list, save list, sort list,
song relevant (left to right): previous, stop, pause, pray, next.
sliders (top to bottom): volume, song position, praylist position.
prayer (left to right): quit, iconify, window depth.
- usage
it is very simple! you might get confused with gadgets, but get used to it
:). also praylist slider is very confusing, even for me.
sliders got the line in the middle of scrolling area, and that means that
is the middle :))
you'll see that when you scroll the volume the percents will show in the
top-left box.
when you click on the praymode, the text will shows on the top-right box.
simple, isn't it?
- instalation
you can put the robe wherever you want, but the best place for it is in the
robes prayer directory.
then load prayer, go to prefs and select 'visual settings'. then click on
the file gadget and select this robe. that's all the wisdom.
- bugs
i do not make mistakes! (just kidding ;)
tell me if there is so... but all other bugs easily could be in prayer
(sorry tamara, :*** :)
- future
i plan to receive some comments about the robe, and then go to work...
still, prayer got more functions than i made availble (check the groovie
robe) in this robe. i'll try to make it all availble in future versions.
there are some unfinished stuff, but i'll ask tamara how to do it. she hate
to make docfiles :)
- requests and credits
please support serbian software authors. they produce very useful software
such as prayer, http resume, charon, day dream, silencer (game), capital
punishment (game), and many more...
the credits for this robe goes to:
tamara (cetinjski, prayer author, kiss).
mr_w (vladimir zidar, prayer plugin author, do not kiss).
antony (andrija antonijevic, charon and http resume author).
abyss (vojislav ilic, robe beta tester and critic).
ogisha (ognjen nedeljkovic, my brother who is in !@@##$@ army).
nemanja (bondzulic, indus3 coder and slot machines coder).
dj nick (nikola tomic, famous techno artist, playboy, prayer lover and my
robe(s) user).
olaf (köbnik, beta tester and amiga arena webmaster).
jon (peterson, prayer and my robe(s) lover :).
tony (mulvihill, confused with empty aminet archives prayer user).
- author
i'm uros lepota (u-rosh tha beauty), hello! :)
you can reach me via email:, or via homepage
- other robes
till the 8th february 2oo1, i realised 3 more robes, and they can be found
on aminet.
- if you like this robe
please send me email or you can send me 1ooo euros or dollars. i'll be also
satisfied with mercedes benz (model is irelevant) or boing 747. but if you
really like me and my robe, you can send me a simple 3-button mouse.
do not beat your children!
if you are in position to establish the peace in whole world, do it.
if you are in position to stop techno music, do it.
if you are in position to have sex 3 times every day, do it.
if you are in position to use drugs, do not do it.