AROSAmp - MP3 Player for AROS - Alpha version 0.21 (21.12.2008)
Created by: Mithrandir - mithrandir()
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Operating System: Amiga Research Operating System (AROS)
Additional Software:
AHI - Retargetable Audio for AmigaOS et al.
Mpega library (LibMad)
The included .info file to put in your /Prefs/Env-Archive/SYS drawer assumes
that AROSAmp is located at System:mpeg3/
Other than that. Copy the files, and enjoy. :)
21.12.08 Alpha version 0.21 binary released for testing purposes.
26.04.07 Alpha version 0.20 binary released for testing purposes.
31.12.06 Alpha version 0.18 binary released for testing purposes
14.12.06 Alpha version 0.11 binary released for testing purposes.
26.04.07 - Dawn of a new age.
AROSAmp has undergone alot of changes since the last release.
Changes include:
- Full menu system (right click AROSAmp for access to full menu)
- Skinnable GUI
- Settings for buffer, frequency, and offset are saved to file.
Known Bugs/Issues:
- ID3 Tag may be unstable (doesn't always load correctly).
Most often a quick pause/resume of the file will correct the issue.
(Although I have tested alot of things, I have no idea why it happens atm.)
- AROSAmp may at various times use a couple of seconds to open a new file,
this is to ensure that the application does not crash when opening/closing MP3 streams.
- After the current playlist has finished, the player does not always register new
actions. (This is a bug in the handling after finishing a playlist. After testing, it does
not seem to occur very often, and I have yet to find it's origin. Simply pressing Stop,
and Play often corrects this. Worst case scenario, restart application, and it will work.)
- After some pondering as to why AROSAmp stopped working with the new updates on AROS, I have had to
disable to theme selection utility for now. It will be 'reinstated' at a later time. :)
To-Do list:
- Moving ID3 character check-list out to a seperate file (Localization of ID3 tags)
- Improving shuffle feature. (Currently AROSAMP simply plays a random song with no regard
to what has previously been played.)
- Additional bugfixing.
Creating your own skin:
Creating your own skin is a simple affair. Simply make buttons in accordance with the existing "standard" theme. Filenames need to stay the same. In addition, you need to copy, and modify the file for your own skin folder. For information regarding modifying the file, see the file located in the "themes/standard" theme folder. It contains information for every value in the file which needs to be set for AROSAmp to understand the file.
Last, but not least, you need to enable the theme for the theme selection utility. Modify the "themes/themes.list" with the theme name, creator, and location of the theme.
Additional notes:
This release is simply a 'bugfix' to 0.20 Alpha. Some oddities will occur, as I removed anything that made it 'not run'. It now compiles, and runs as it should, but some buttons and other various features are not working. Forgive me for that :)
Hope you all enjoy AROSAmp 0.21 Alpha. Remember, it is still alpha software, intended for testing purposes. It may crash horribly on you. Be warned! Comments, questions, and more? Leave a message at !
m0ns00n - For getting me to attempt this application, moral support, testing, etc. - Try out Lunapaint -
XMission - More cat ASCII art can be found at:
redblue - For constant nagging about additional decoders that should be included in the future. I'm looking into it. I promise!
Olivier - For many suggestions and ideas. Some are added in this release, more to come. Thank you for the suggestions.
And thanks to everyone else that should've been mentioned.
Let's take on the world!
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