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Short: | David Whittaker/Maniacs of Noise CLI based CIA player |
Author: | dagibbs stud.sihe.ac.uk |
Uploader: | dagibbs stud sihe ac uk |
Type: | mus/play |
Architecture: | m68k-amigaos |
Date: | 1996-04-30 |
Download: | mus/play/MP_V3.lha - View contents | Readme: | mus/play/MP_V3.readme |
Downloads: | 635 |
PROGRAM IS FREEWARE. < most know what this means <
This programs purpose if to play David Whittaker & Manics of Noise programs
via the CLI. To find out how to use it type MP ?.
Since all most all DW modules are commercial game based, you will have to get
the game and rip it out yourself by playing the music (via playing the game)
reboot and use a sound ripper like EXOTICRIPPER.
Shadow Of The Beast : rip music out via Exotic Ripper. (Rippred it out myself
at once point)
The MON modules come via with the Mysterious Worlds (C)playstone designs :
game on the front of a disk based magazine called AMIGA FUN which didnt last
that long. Also one ripped from a RAZOR 1911 demo (kewl 3 songs).
No songs in this archive due to Copyright Infringment via Aminet.
Also example run is exampled if you ripped BEAST Ingame music (first level).
Mp (MultiPlayer)
This is a program that once loaded module has loaded returns you to the CLI
and runs the module in the background. USeful for startup sequence loading
Loading a module.
To load a Dw.Beast-I1 (Beast Ingame 1, 4 sub-songs) type:
4.t1:> MP -l dw.beast-i1
David Whittaker Module Detected ... Loaded Module.
to start of playing from SUB-SONG x place a no from 0-9 after the module name
The music will then run independant via a CIAA timer.
To change sub-song:
4.t1:> MP -s 2 - change to sub song 2.
To quit the song:
4.t1:> mp -q
If you try to quit a song that isnt there a error message will be reported.
All commands are the same for MON music modules.
No advanced commands for volume, just load, chnage song, and quit.
To submiss all output text, error msgs, put + instead of - for command.
(not a good idea to use >NIL: - doesnt work).
My first attempt (included MPO/MPO.s) used LVL3 Intterupt timing as used in
the shadow of the beast game. But on WB1.2/Wb1.3 it messed up when clicking
and moving ICONS and on DISK ACCESS.
I then built MP via CIAA timing. It works, but has been known sometime to
crash on WB1.2/WB1.3 machines rarely.
I am sorry for this, but I dont have a wb1.3 A500 to test/fix it on.
(for tech. ref.)
System : Amiga A1200 AGA
Chip : 2MB
Fast : 4MB ($200000)
HDS : 1.3GB Internal 3.5"
: 270MB External Zappo OverDrive PCMCIA
Proc : 68030
Co-Pro : 33 Mhz 68882
Speed : approx 45Mhz via Sysinfo
Board : VIPER MK I Clocked to 42Mhz.
Thanks for using MP.(c)copyright D GIBBS.
P.S. I you find any spelling mistakes or grammar fuk ups, sorry, typed
this out too fast.
Any swaps of ideas/programs/ideas welcomed.
Contents of Archive.
MP (MP player using CIA timing )
MP.Readme (Youre reading this now )
MPO (MP player using lvl3 interrupt)
MPO.S (Source code for MP LVL3 INT )
DW.Beast-I1 (Beast A500/A600 game ever made)
R }
E } MON.MW-Gameover
O } MON.MW-Loading (Cool Loading/Boot up Music )
V } MON.MW-Title
E } MON.Razor1911 (hope you dont mind me including it)
D }
David Whittaker is (c)copyright David Whittaker (kewl musician)
Manaics of Noise is (c)copyright Charles Deenen.
End of Txt.
Contents of mus/play/MP_V3.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 3368 7132 47.2% -lh5- 361a Apr 26 1996 Mp
[generic] 1856 3728 49.8% -lh5- c78e Apr 29 1996 MP_V3.Readme
[generic] 2187 4480 48.8% -lh5- 8d38 Apr 26 1996 mpo
[generic] 3752 13171 28.5% -lh5- 67e1 Apr 26 1996 mpo.s
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 4 files 11163 28511 39.2% Apr 29 1996
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