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Short:EaglePlayer \"NoiseTracker\" external replayer
Author:Wanted Team
Uploader:Don Adan <DonAdan wp pl>
Download:mus/play/EP_NoiseTrack.lha - View contents

This is a new version of a different external "NoiseTracker" replay for
EaglePlayer 1.54/2.00+.

Version 1


- Analyzer
- Voices
- SampleInfo with SampleSaver (EP 2.00+ only)
- PatternJump
- Balance
- ModuleInfo with Position Counter
- Volume
- SongEnd
- Save
- capable of finding the author's name with the EP FindAuthor routine
- PatternScroll
- as a bonus, an EagleRipper for NoiseTracker modules from the music disk
  "His Master's Noise" is included

Version 2

- added support for SoundTracker (15 samples) modules
- added an Amplifier version (EP 2.00+ only)

Version 3

- some fixes
- added Config (requires Kickstart V37+)

Version 4

- fixed a bug in the recognition routine, it now works for Soundtracker
  (15 samples) modules which use all 128 song positions
- extended Config
- added real support for The Ultimate Soundtracker modules, now replay
  can handle both the arpeggio and portamento commands correctly (?)


1. In order to use this NoiseTracker player you must first disable the
   internal ProTracker player in the EaglePlayer manager menu. For
   playing SoundTracker (15 samples) modules, you must also disable
   EaglePlayer's internal OLDSoundTracker player.

2. This player plays only NoiseTracker mods with the "M&K!" ID, if you
   have NoiseTracker modules with different ID's, you can change this, but
   they must really be NoiseTracker modules; ProTracker modules can and
   will be badly played.

3. This player uses the WaitAudioDMA function so you can change the wait
   mode in the EP Timing submenu and set the correct values for your
   particular Amiga CPU and/or screen mode.

4. This version of the NoiseTracker player is configurable via the EP player
   manager. You can set how the D command is handled for Soundtracker
   (15 samples) songs or choose how the replay handles 1 (arpeggio)
   and 2 (portamento) commands for the The Ultimate Soundtracker mods.
   The first (default) mode is "Pattern Break" which  works correctly
   with songs created in later versions of Soundtracker. The second mode
   is "Volume Slide", which works correctly with older Soundtracker songs,
   e.g the "Blood Money" title song. The third mode "Ultimate ST" is
   recommended to hear Soundtracker modules created with "The Ultimate 
   Soundtracker" (the first Soundtracker editor) by Karsten Obarski, 
   e.g. "Oil Imperium", "Future Tank", "Detector", etc. The configuration 
   will be saved to the "EnvArc:EaglePlayer/" and/or "Configs/" directories.
   If none of these directories exist then the configuration can not be saved.

5. This NoiseTracker player was based on the latest (?) version of the
   NoiseTracker replay routine ripped from the "His Master's Noise" music
   disk. It was mostly used by famous (Noise)tracker musicians like Mahoney,
   Ziphoid, Kaktus, and Panda. This replay routine has support for special
   commands and can handle synth samples also.

6. The included ripper can rip NoiseTracker mods from the "His Master's
   Noise" music disks only from WHDload memory dumps. It works only for
   memory dumps with a size of 1051656 bytes and was tested with V1.1 of
   the "His Master's Noise" slave, for other configuration (slave version
   or memory dump size) it will not work. For info on how to make a good
   memory dump with WHDload you must read the WHDload docs.

7. The loaded module must always be at least as many bytes long as the
   calculated size. This is why some modules will give you an error with
   this player.

8. Now you can choose your preferred player version for use with EP 2.00+.

9. You can get the latest versions of Wanted Team products from:

Special greetings go to

- Jan Krolzig for player/ripper betatesting 

Contents of mus/play/EP_NoiseTrack.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                 4870    7844  62.1% -lh5- face Jul 12  2003 NoiseTracker/EaglePlayers/NoiseTracker
[generic]                 4647    7760  59.9% -lh5- 7c73 Jul 12  2003 NoiseTracker/EaglePlayers/NoiseTracker.AMP
[generic]                  414     500  82.8% -lh5- 7807 Sep  5  2001 NoiseTracker/EagleRippers/HisMastersNoise
[generic]                 1757    3949  44.5% -lh5- 006d Jul 12  2003 NoiseTracker/EP_NoiseTrack.readme
[generic]                10521   21779  48.3% -lh5- b4db Sep  5  2001 NoiseTracker/HMN_credits.txt
[generic]                 1621    3217  50.4% -lh5- a2f1 Sep  5  2001 NoiseTracker/HMN_info.txt
[generic]                  345     626  55.1% -lh5- 2235 Jul 12  2003 NoiseTracker/ReadMeOrNot
[generic]                 2158    5296  40.7% -lh5- 5ec8 Jul 12  2003 NoiseTracker/WT_Customs.txt
[generic]                 1725    4617  37.4% -lh5- cfe3 Jul 12  2003 NoiseTracker/WT_Players.txt
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total         9 files   28058   55588  50.5%            Jul 13  2003
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