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-plays 16bit files: AIFF-SSND (uncompressed) and AIFF-ADP4 (4bit ADPCM)
-multi-stage buffering system for smooth playback while loading
-full source code included
-CPU 68020+
-AmigaOS V37+
-Delfina DSP board - delfina.library V4+
-asyncio.library V39+
-tested on: A1200 (68030+882 @ 40MHz, 16MB Fast, Delfina1200 DSP)
-reqtools.library V38+
-some AIFF files :-)
-some code cleanups and optimizations
(see src/CHANGES for details)
-vbcc makefile included
(thanks to anton_rolls@melbourne.net)
; DelfAIFF 0.3
; code by Smack/Infect!
; Fri 01-Oct-1999
This is my first program for Delfina DSP (nice sound board featuring
the powerful Motorola 56002 DSP). I have no intentions to implement
many more features in DelfAIFF because for me it's rather a coding
exercise than a full featured tool. Anyway, if you find a bug or have
any comments or ideas then don't hesitate to contact me!
#how to use it
DelfAIFF is a shell-only program. The argument template is:
FILES/M one or more filenames
(if omitted a reqtools file requester appears)
NOPLAY/S don't play but just print file info
During playback you can use these controls:
CTRL-E pause/continue
CTRL-C stop current file, start next file
CTRL-D exit program
#technical stuff
Those AIFF-ADP4 files are created using this program:
AudioConvert V1.0 (c) Stephane TAVENARD
(distributed together with SongPlayer)
The 4bit ADPCM method reduces the file size of 16bit sound to 1/4 while
retaining a surprisingly high sound quality.
DelfAIFF utilizes Delfina DSP for decoding this file format and therefore
needs only very little CPU time. (perfect for background music even on
slow 68030 machines:-)
I'm planning to code an MPEG audio decoder for Delfina DSP. The 56002 DSP
should have enough power to handle this in realtime. (faster than 68060!)
Anybody interested? Anybody able to support me with some docs and sources?
Then contact me now!
The MPEG audio player is under construction. I downloaded lots of sources
from all over the Web and now I'm busy converting them to DSP56K assembly.
I hope to get it working before Y2K comes upon us, stay tuned! :-)
email: smack@smack.de
DelfAIFF is Copyright (c) 1999 by Michael Henke.
It is released as FREEWARE, which means it may be distributed and used
for free, but no profit may be made with it (neither by selling the
program nor by using it for commercial purposes). The program and the
information within this text are provided 'AS-IS'. The entire risk as
to its quality and performance is with the user. In no event will the
author be liable for direct, indirect, incidental or consequential
damages resulting from any defect in the program.
Contents of mus/play/DelfAIFF.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 11961 19292 62.0% -lh5- c21c Oct 1 1999 DelfAIFF/DelfAIFF
[generic] 1633 3162 51.6% -lh5- f18b Oct 1 1999 DelfAIFF/DelfAIFF.readme
[generic] 1423 4480 31.8% -lh5- a406 Oct 1 1999 DelfAIFF/src/ADPCM4.a56
[generic] 491 834 58.9% -lh5- c297 Oct 1 1999 DelfAIFF/src/CHANGES
[generic] 5641 20758 27.2% -lh5- d5e1 Oct 1 1999 DelfAIFF/src/DelfAIFF.c
[generic] 398 700 56.9% -lh5- f8ad Oct 1 1999 DelfAIFF/src/makefile
[generic] 943 2057 45.8% -lh5- 482c Oct 1 1999 DelfAIFF/src/PCM.a56
[generic] 101 133 75.9% -lh5- b386 Oct 1 1999 DelfAIFF/src/SCOPTIONS
[generic] 107 206 51.9% -lh5- d349 Oct 1 1999 DelfAIFF/src/smakefile
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 9 files 22698 51622 44.0% Oct 14 1999
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