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mods/xm/c_pak01.lha |
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²² Claim Presents - ClaimPak 01 ²²
²²²²²²²²²²²Feb 16,1995²²²²²²²²²²²²
"Dreams of Hurt" ThemePak
This Pak contains 4 xm format mods
by me Claim. Written w/ FT2 v2.03
They are all dream related as I'm
sure you can see by the title.
Enjoy.. and please send feedback
to: claim@ikaros.pei.edu
Dreams of Hurt Mods:
Part 1. Entering Dreamworld -Slide into REM sleep with this groovolicious tune
Part 2. Running Dream -The nightmare begins in this bassin' trip through
mind warping melodies.
Part 3. Psychotic Dream -Prepare to have your brains sucked through your
face by the hypnotic beats. I suggest a GUS,
a lot of dope, a dark room and headphones for
this one. Get ready to crash head on with
Part 4. Victorious Awakening-Slowly reemerge from the night with renewed vigor
as this synthy tune booms you alive with the
mellow drums. It's a little bit different from
most of my tunes. It's not my favorite but I
think that other composers may get some really
good ideas from it because I know I did. Enjoy.
Greetings: - EFNet #warez2 ops -
- Subnet #warez'ers - CyKo - fuct -
- LSI - Heckler - Stumble - TCB!@ -
- trance - BeEyOtCh - claim!!! :) -
- Melville - Pele_ - ack - Splicer-
- Talen - AvatarX - Mason - devan -
- EPractor :) - Ominus - Warl0ck -
- Nimbus - Scrubbs - Cuervo - Tim -
- James - DragonM - _bubsy - RiPP--
- claw :) - NamantH - and more..
- If I left you out of the greets -
- send me email and I'll put you -
- in the next one. If you want me-
- to take you off then too bad. :)-
If You Likes Deeez den try my - c_pak00.zip -
Gauraunteeed good fer what ails ye...
============================= Archive contents =============================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
204534 127274 37.7% 28-Jan-90 17:23:56 awake.xm
135303 58968 56.4% 28-Jan-90 17:20:48 enterdrm.xm
97676 57394 41.2% 28-Jan-90 17:22:14 psydream.xm
139984 73790 47.2% 28-Jan-90 17:21:54 runningd.xm
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
577497 317426 45.0% 29-May-95 10:11:30 4 files
Contents of mods/xm/c_pak01.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 127274 204534 62.2% -lh5- 36a6 Jan 28 1990 awake.xm
[generic] 58968 135303 43.6% -lh5- 40ec Jan 28 1990 enterdrm.xm
[generic] 57394 97676 58.8% -lh5- 7e35 Jan 28 1990 psydream.xm
[generic] 73790 139984 52.7% -lh5- abc9 Jan 28 1990 runningd.xm
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 4 files 317426 577497 55.0% May 29 1995
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