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- L A B E L -
---[i]NTRODUCTiON & NEWS-------------------------------------------
HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYBODY!! Rno music label ofcourse survived the
y2k problem with small casualties. And start of the new
millenium with a really high quality mp3 release. A guest
release from "Uranus Cancelled"...enjoy people
title____________________"Between Alprox & Miaxan"
artist___________________uRANUS cANCELLED
release nr_______________021
info_____________________Mystical sounds form a
beutiful electronic track
witch leaves you releaxed
and feeling ok. Drifting
thru comfortable harps and
strings with the beat
helping you keep with it.
It too bad it is over in
abit over 5 and a half a
---[H]OW TO PLAY 'EM-----------------------------------------------
If you use AMIGA, please use players like HIPPOPLAYER,APLAYER or
DELITRACKER.For PC users I advice you to ALLWAYS use the LATEST
version of MODPLUG, probably the BEST MODULE PLAYER EVER for
the PC. Please DO NOT USE WINAMP at any module playing. WINAMP
is GREAT for mp3, but for mods...blaaaahhh ;) You can find links
to all these programs on our homepage. http://come.to/rno-label
---[W]HERE TO GET 'EM----------------------------------------------
The most easy thing to do is to go to HTTP://COME.TO/RNO-LABEL
there all the releases will be at all times. But we will also be
available at AMINET, and ofcorz our BBSs' You can also go to
HTTP://COME.TO/RNO-LABEL and add your self to our mailing list.
Then you will get all the latest releases directly down your
EMAIL BOX. You can also choose if you don't want the files and
just notice about the release.
---[M]EMBERS ------------------------------------------------------
---[G]UEST STARS --------------------------------------------------
pOw/PoiseRec . Distance/Tpolm+milk . Phono . Xhale/Theralite+dCs
Hannu Karpo . Tarmslyng/Loonies . Uranus Cancelled
9. 1.2k - URANUS CANCELLED "Between Alprox & Miaxan" :rNO-L021.zip (5458k)
: :
: 1 _ 9 _ 9 _ 9 :
9. 8.99 - ROZ "Hows Oph Joy" :rNO-L001.lha (545k)
16. 8.99 - POW "Melting Pot" :rNO-L002.lha (635k)
28. 8.99 - KURE "Headswitch" :rNO-L003.lha (434k)
15. 9.99 - ROZ "Leak EP" :rNO-L004.lha (811k)
30. 9.99 - CIE "Krank" & "Reeturner" :rNO-L005.lha (282k)
6.10.99 - DISTANCE "Somber" :rNO-L006.lha (204k)
13.10.99 - TANG "Feek The nite" :rNO-L007.lha (229k)
20.10.99 - KURE "Snakes" :rNO-L008.lha (364k)
24.10.99 - ROZ "Drug-x" :rNO-L009.zip (184k)
27.10.99 - CIE "Forward" :rNO-L010.zip (4984k)
1.11.99 - Phono "We Are Elek-tron-ik" :rNO-L011.zip(10100k)
5.11.99 - TANG "Naullakko" :rNO-L012.zip (142k)
13.11.99 - ZUBSPACE "After Hours" :rNO-L013.zip (947k)
24.11.99 - XHALE "Kafe Soda" :rNO-L014.zip (498k)
1.12.99 - HANNU KARPO "Amkara" :rNO-L015.zip (1245k)
9.12.99 - TARMSLYNG "Binary Relations" :rNO-L016.zip (404k)
21.12.99 - ROZ "Hype Rankin" :rNO-L017.zip (571k)
23.12.99 - TANG "Haggled" :rNO-L018.zip (213k)
28.12.99 - ZUBSPACE "Psycotic Manism" :rNO-L019.zip (7360k)
31.12.99 - ROZ.TANG.KURE"MusicSoundsBetter":rNO-L020.zip (1228k)รง
---[D]iSTRiBUTiON SiTES--------------------------------------------
AMINET - mods/misc
LOS ENDOS - sysop: Exon&Ghandy open 24h ASK-4-IT
JUJU - sysop: Wrec/DCS
TURBO HYTTYNEN - sysop: tMu/rNo! open 24h +358-3-5134212
A-FILES - sysop: tOOl/rNo! open 18-07 +358-3-5130029
Contents of mods/mpg/rNO-L021.mpg
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