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Short:Indygo-LiveAct from Satellite party by Appendix
Author: madbart at
Uploader:juma opnt optimus wroc pl
Download:mods/mpg/indygo_sat98.mpg - View contents

  _______   _______   _______    ______   _______      .___    __    __.__
 _\___  /_ _\___  /_ _\___  /_ _(  ___// _\___  /_ ____|_ /_ _(_/_ _(  |  )_ 
.    |    .    /    .    /    .    __/__.    |    .    _/   .     .    |    .
|         |    _____|    _____|    |    |    |    |    |    |     |-       -|
|    |    l_   | .  |    | .  |    `    l_   |    l_   `    l_    |    |    l_
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                    :.. :
               ...::·:::::....         ÷ | a p p e n d i x | ÷
        ....:::···   ·::::···::::...        r e c o r d s
                    :·                        PRESENTS!.

               I N D Y G O  :  VOiCE/APPENDiX & KSiU/IND

                     live at SATELLiTE'98 party!

   ______   ________ ____      _______ ____         ____ ____      _______
  _) ___/___) ___  (_) _/__ _ _)  __   )  /____ ____\  /_) _/__ _ _)  __  |
  |_______    \_/        _/ (_     /     /    (_)    \/      _/ (_     /  |
  |_   (_/ ____|   ____         ________       ______   ___         _____(
    )______|   |__(    )___________\    )______|     )__|  )___________\
                       S A T E L L i T E  ' 9 8 
                    party by APPENDiX&PiCSAiNTLOUP


mADbART on the keys now.
                        Yeah! Satellite'98 was a big success for all.
                        This is Indygo's experience which was live act
                        at the SATELLiTE'98.
                        Indygo is : VOiCE/APPENDiX and KSiU/Ind.

Appendix Records are born!

                        Soon I hope we will release Indygo's CD.

Wanna ctx ? 

                   ...                                       ...
           ........: :       .....: :
           :         :....                           ...:      :
      _____:_______    ..:  __  __        _______   _:_____   _:_
 ___ |        ___  |___:___|  ||  |______|  ___  |_|   __  |__| _|_ __
 |  || |  __ |___|         __    __        |___|       ||_____    _| |_
 |     |_| |___|   ____     |____|     ______|   _____ |   ..|__      |
 |__|__|       |___|  |_____|    |_____|     |___|   |_|   :    |_____|
                 :                           .........     :...az0!/l124
                 :............               :       :        :
                             : m a d b a r t :       :........:
                             of  dA aPPENDiX !
                             and    tEKLORDS !

  a.p.p.e.n.d.i.x whq > domination nightyeight > povvered by thesect!
  .for any reasons or money support leave me the mess with some cash.

           try to fakk with the best - it's simply thesect!
  phone:+48-91-4879493...[night hours]
[appendix.anadune.teklords.floppy.link124.dinx project.jormas.mawi.linear]
          [doggystyle.venus art.pic saint loup.old bulls]

 latest news (dec 1998):
- PSYCHO joined from PSL to APX.
- POPCORN aka BTA joined as coder. 
- 7-8 november - we organized SATELLiTE'98 party. 
  that was successfull event. :) 
- PSYCHOL #13 released. 
- APPENDiX RECORDS were born. Plans: Indygo (Voice/Apx) CD.

 complete memberlist: [APPENDIX]
MADBART ............ sysop,raytracer,organizer   (
MADMAN ............. sysop of apx ftp             (
RADAVI.............. sysop                          (
CERBER.............. sysop                             (
PREFIX.............. trader                 (
CARSON.............. trader                       (
SCOUT............... coder                            (
ALN................. coder                            (
SACHY............... coder                     (
ENTER............... coder                      (
BTA................. coder
JUDAS............... coder, editor                 (
NEUROMANCER ........ graphician 
RAPPID.............. graphician    
COOPER.............. graphician  
JUMA................ graphician                     (
SLAYER.............. graphician
XTRO ............... raytracer
SPEEDIE............. raytracer
SYLWEK.............. raytracer, web masta             (
PSYCHO.............. musician                         (
VOICE .............. musician (commercial)   
FLAPJACK............ musician, packmaker        (
BLAZE............... swapper
 complete memberlist: [PIC SAINT LOUP^APPENDIX]

ADAMSOFT............ musician, organizer        (
SUPERFML............ musician                   (
TRACKER............. musician
CLOO................ musician                           (
REVISQ.............. musician                         (
BFA................. musician                  (
JAZZCAT............. musician                (
MAGIEL.aka.SICKMAN.. musician                        (
QIX................. swapper                       (

 already released productions:
 AGONY            - slide show - 1992                                 
 WAVE SOUNDS      - music disk - 1992                                 
 FIREHOSE         - intro      - 1993    6th at POLISH AUTUMN'93                             
 UNJUST SENTENCE  - trackmo    - 1994    4th at PRIMAVERA'94 
 40K INTRO        - intro      - 1994    INTEL OUTSIDE 1
 PRIMAVERA PARTRO - partro     - 1994                               
 CONTAGION        - trackmo    - 1995    3rd at COMPUTER ART FESTIVAL'95  
 FA! PACK 01-19   - pack       - 1995/96                              
 INTEL INSIDE     - intro      - 1996                               
 OOPS!            - intro      - 1996    1st at GRAVITY'96           
 ZERO GRAVITY     - demo       - 1996    1st at GRAVITY'96                         
 UFU-S            - video demo - 1996    1st at GRAVITY'96                                                                            
 GRAVITY          - 4k intro   - 1996    7th at GRAVITY'96
 NAVEL            - intro      - 1997    1st at RUSH'97 
 MYSTIQUE         - demo       - 1997    2nd at INTEL OUTSIDE 4
 UFU-S v1.99      - video demo - 1996/97 2nd at INTEL OUTSIDE 4
 INTROKO          - 4k intro   - 1997    
 SPAWN            - intro      - 1997    1st at GRAVITY'97
 PSYCHOL 09-13    - chip pack  - 1997     
 CAPSULE          - demo       - 1997    2nd at ASTROSYN
 UPN X            - intro      - 1997    4th at ASTROSYN  
 USELESS          - 4k intro   - 1997    2nd at ASTROSYN     
 DOLPHINARY       - music disk - 1998    
 FLEA             - demo       - 1998    3rd at RUSHHOURS'98
 MIDGE            - 256b intro - 1998    1st at RUSHHOURS'98
 PKP'98           - somethink  - 1998    PKP'98
 RIOT             - demo       - 1998    2nd at GRAViTY'98
 SATELLiTE Inv.   - invitation - 1998                
 INDYGO Live!     - live act!  - 1998    LiveAct by Voice/Apx

 you can call one of our boards:
 THE SECT        · WHQ · +48-91-879493   · MADBART   
 TRASH YARD      · PHQ · +48-22-7248774  · TRASH HEAD
 RADIOACTIVE     · PHQ · +48-58-216107   · CERBER
 WILDPALMS       · NHQ · +31-30-6037959  · RADAVI
 or: (

 and get linked with our web site:
 APPENDIX on web · WWW · ·

Contents of mods/mpg/indygo_sat98.mpg
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