84782 packages online
mods/mpg/CIE-Forward.mpg |
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. n e t w o r k .
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---\\ _ _/ \ r.n.o. // /aC!d
- L A B E L -
---[i]NTRODUCTiON & NEWS-------------------------------------------
nUMBAH 10...here we go, less than 3 months of existment and we
are here with our 10th release.....this time with our first MP3.
Its from CIE and it is HARD and MINIMALISTIK....so go grab it.
Soon more MP3s to come, and other goodies....so stay tuned...RNO
MUSIC LABEL will be here, being active and KEEPIN SHIT
release nr_______________010
info_____________________CIE back again with this
really hardhitting MP3
release. Really monotonik
and minimalistik ;) If you
like strange minimal
techno, with a hard and
evil atmosphere then this
is right for you. CIE
takes us thru a brutal
world of insane instruments
being raped ;) do it......
---[H]OW TO PLAY 'EM-----------------------------------------------
If you use AMIGA, please use players like HIPPOPLAYER,APLAYER or
DELITRACKER.For PC users I advice you to ALLWAYS use the LATEST
version of MODPLUG, probably the BEST MODULE PLAYER EVER for
the PC. You can find links to all these programs on
our homepage. http://come.to/rno-label
---[W]HERE TO GET 'EM----------------------------------------------
The most easy thing to do is to go to HTTP://COME.TO/RNO-LABEL
there all the releases will be at all times. But we will also be
available at AMINET, and ofcorz our BBSs' You can also go to
HTTP://COME.TO/RNO-LABEL and add your self to our mailing list.
Then you will get all the latest releases directly down your
EMAIL BOX. You can also choose if you don't want the files and
just notice about the release.
---[M]EMBERS ------------------------------------------------------
---[G]UEST STARS --------------------------------------------------
pOw/PoiseRec . Distance/Tpolm+milk
9. 8.99 - ROZ "Hows Oph Joy" :rNO-L001.lha (545k)
16. 8.99 - POW "Melting Pot" :rNO-L002.lha (635k)
28. 8.99 - KURE "Headswitch" :rNO-L003.lha (434k)
15. 9.99 - ROZ "Leak EP" :rNO-L004.lha (811k)
30. 9.99 - CIE "Krank" & "Reeturner" :rNO-L005.lha (282k)
6.10.99 - DISTANCE "Somber" :rNO-L006.lha (204k)
13.10.99 - TANG "Feek The nite" :rNO-L007.lha (229k)
20.10.99 - KURE "Snakes" :rNO-L008.lha (364k)
24.10.99 - ROZ "Drug-x" :rNO-L009.zip (184k)
27.10.99 - CIE "Forward" :rNO-L010.zip (4984k)
---[D]iSTRiBUTiON SiTES--------------------------------------------
AMINET - mods/misc
LOS ENDOS - sysop: Exon&Ghandy open 24h ASK-4-IT
JUJU - sysop: Wrec/DCS
TURBO HYTTYNEN - sysop: tMu/rNo! open 24h +358-3-5134212
A-FILES - sysop: tOOl/rNo! open 18-07 +358-3-5130029
Contents of mods/mpg/CIE-Forward.mpg
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Müller and the Aminet team.
Aminet contact address: <aminet aminet net> |