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- L A B E L -
---[i]NTRODUCTiON & NEWS-------------------------------------------
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! Well atleast I think it is when you read
this. RNO MUSIC LABEL brings you a new years eve release. An EP
called "The music sounds better" It is 3 remixes of the famous
the music sounds better single by STARDUST. We get 3 differet
styles from our 3 finnish musicans kure,roz & tang.
We will be back in 2000 with alot of quality stuff,so stay tuned.
title____________________"The Music Sounds Better -EP"
artist___________________rOZ - kURE - tANG
size_____________________472k - 777k - 601k
length___________________5:45 - 5:00 - 6:58
type_____________________mod - xm - dbm
release nr_______________020
info_____________________Roz starts of this ep with
his remix. A housy funky
tune much starts off
simular to the orginal, but
moves on to a more elektrik
Next off Kure takes over
with his more floating
techno/trance remix of the
orginal. We float thru
nice strings and
hypnotizing beats with the
vocals of stardust keeping
us in mind of the orginal.
At the end we get Tangs
track. With sume kool
rythms and you hear the
stardust vocals on acid in
the back.
---[H]OW TO PLAY 'EM-----------------------------------------------
If you use AMIGA, please use players like HIPPOPLAYER,APLAYER or
DELITRACKER.For PC users I advice you to ALLWAYS use the LATEST
version of MODPLUG, probably the BEST MODULE PLAYER EVER for
the PC. Please DO NOT USE WINAMP at any module playing. WINAMP
is GREAT for mp3, but for mods...blaaaahhh ;) You can find links
to all these programs on our homepage. http://come.to/rno-label
---[W]HERE TO GET 'EM----------------------------------------------
The most easy thing to do is to go to HTTP://COME.TO/RNO-LABEL
there all the releases will be at all times. But we will also be
available at AMINET, and ofcorz our BBSs' You can also go to
HTTP://COME.TO/RNO-LABEL and add your self to our mailing list.
Then you will get all the latest releases directly down your
EMAIL BOX. You can also choose if you don't want the files and
just notice about the release.
---[M]EMBERS ------------------------------------------------------
---[G]UEST STARS --------------------------------------------------
pOw/PoiseRec . Distance/Tpolm+milk . Phono . Xhale/Theralite+dCs
Hannu Karpo . Tarmslyng/Loonies .
9. 8.99 - ROZ "Hows Oph Joy" :rNO-L001.lha (545k)
16. 8.99 - POW "Melting Pot" :rNO-L002.lha (635k)
28. 8.99 - KURE "Headswitch" :rNO-L003.lha (434k)
15. 9.99 - ROZ "Leak EP" :rNO-L004.lha (811k)
30. 9.99 - CIE "Krank" & "Reeturner" :rNO-L005.lha (282k)
6.10.99 - DISTANCE "Somber" :rNO-L006.lha (204k)
13.10.99 - TANG "Feek The nite" :rNO-L007.lha (229k)
20.10.99 - KURE "Snakes" :rNO-L008.lha (364k)
24.10.99 - ROZ "Drug-x" :rNO-L009.zip (184k)
27.10.99 - CIE "Forward" :rNO-L010.zip (4984k)
1.11.99 - Phono "We Are Elek-tron-ik" :rNO-L011.zip(10100k)
5.11.99 - TANG "Naullakko" :rNO-L012.zip (142k)
13.11.99 - ZUBSPACE "After Hours" :rNO-L013.zip (947k)
24.11.99 - XHALE "Kafe Soda" :rNO-L014.zip (498k)
1.12.99 - HANNU KARPO "Amkara" :rNO-L015.zip (1245k)
9.12.99 - TARMSLYNG "Binary Relations" :rNO-L016.zip (404k)
21.12.99 - ROZ "Hype Rankin" :rNO-L017.zip (571k)
23.12.99 - TANG "Haggled" :rNO-L018.zip (213k)
28.12.99 - ZUBSPACE "Psycotic Manism" :rNO-L019.zip (7360k)
31.12.99 - ROZ.TANG.KURE"MusicSoundsBetter":rNO-L020.zip (1228k)
---[D]iSTRiBUTiON SiTES--------------------------------------------
AMINET - mods/misc
LOS ENDOS - sysop: Exon&Ghandy open 24h ASK-4-IT
JUJU - sysop: Wrec/DCS
TURBO HYTTYNEN - sysop: tMu/rNo! open 24h +358-3-5134212
A-FILES - sysop: tOOl/rNo! open 18-07 +358-3-5130029
Contents of mods/misc/rNO-L020.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 331233 472008 70.2% -lh5- 834b Aug 31 2000 01 - ROZ-Music Sounds Worse.mo
[generic] 480684 777170 61.9% -lh5- 31d6 Oct 11 1999 02 - KURE-The Music Sounds.XM
[generic] 368173 601354 61.2% -lh5- fb7e Oct 24 1999 03 - TANG-Music Sounds.DBM
[generic] 201 384 52.3% -lh5- 1612 Dec 31 1999 file_id.diz
[generic] 42688 42688 100.0% -lh0- 0bb0 Dec 16 1999 Music Sounds EP.jpg
[generic] 2248 5672 39.6% -lh5- 6040 Dec 31 1999 rNO-L020.txt
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 6 files 1225227 1899276 64.5% Jan 1 2000
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