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Short:Noyz Phaktah \'002 - Chemical Graveyard by Silkworm
Uploader:tzuyd crosswinds net (Noyz Phaktah)
Download:mods/misc/NP_PopYF.lha - View contents


                 ___ __  _______  _______  ___  _______
                /__//_/ _) _    \_) _    \_)  \_) _    \
                       /   /    /   /    /    /___/    /
                      /   /    /   /    /    /   _____/
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     /   /    /   /    /   /    /   _____/___/    /   /    /  _/    /
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  /___/        /____/   /____/   /____/   /____/   /____/   /____/ /__//S/

             -   n e e d s   a n   u p d a t e d   l o g o   -

-=[ release '003 ]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

Release: '003 - funky chicken beats mashed with melodic laidback chords
Song   : "Pop Your Fizzbang!  Featuring CC Chicken" by Hotcakes
         [ 05.18 / 107bpm / 480kB ]
Format : OctaMED SoundStudio V1 (MMD3), 16 channels, stereo, dsp echo

This has to be the weirdest thing I've ever written, not only because of
the chicken samples (which sound cool, by the way:) but mostly because I've
never written a tune that doesn't have a boppy beat...

Sample creds must go to a few people - "Rap 'n chicken.wav" related samps
are thanks to Mr Pioneer - beat1.wav was taken from Dr Fetid's old site
(before it turned MP3!  Argh!) which you can find links to (umm,
somewhere:) from

BONUS TUNE!!!  Well, it's been sitting on my harddrive for a good 2 years
now, so I decided to give it -some- publicity via da Noiz :

Release: 003b - claustrophobic future dance anthem?  maybe not :)
Song   : "Dungeon" by Hotcakes and Quiklite
         [ 03.10 / 119bpm / 831kB ]
Format : OctaMED SoundStudio V1 (MMD3), 10 channels, mono, dsp echo

Here is the kareoke version of a tune inspired by some of Quiklite's
fascinating lyrics, not so fascinating without those aforementioned vocals
which have been cut due to a much needed complete remaster.  So here you
can bop along to the backing and...  invent your own lyrics.  Or something.

Orange Mango has sadly decided not to release anything for the group and so
our memberlist looks a little bit shorter today :( I'm still hoping for a
guest release in the future perhaps, because, damn, he's good!  Anyhow in
the real world, future releases from Noiz will see a beating of your
eardrums lo-fi stylee by one of our more 'pioneering' members, geddit?  :)

Other news?  Nothing special, but we have decided to drop the Y in Noyz
Phaktah and replace it with an I, making those logos out of date (uhh, they
allready were!), myself, I've lost my net access for a while (stupid
flatmate and his bill neglecting!!!) so I can't get Spawn to make a new
one :) Live with it!

Can't hear it?  Well try DeliTracker v2.32 on Amiga, WinAMP, ModPlug or
the provided player (OctaMEDPlayer.exe) on Windows, but you really just
can't go past the OctaMEDPlayer v7 for the Amiga - still the only thing
that plays 'em right!

-=[ who ? ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

"Are we here?  We are here.  Welcome to the first release from Mono.
 Who are we?  Well, if you know anything about the PC scene, you'll know
 there's a number of smart groups like Kosmic, Radical Rhythms, etc, who
 exist just to release music.  Well, Mono is that, except on the Amiga.  We
 aim to release the very best of electronic MOD music." ¹

This was the introductory text written by h0l! when Mono was first
formed, back in 1996.  Since then they have released 100s of quality tunes,
breaking out of their MOD ONLY philosophy to provide the public with the
coolest kickass electronic MODs, XMs, ITs and have enjoyed great publicity
and respect.  But they turned, preferring to release MP3s only for the
last number of years.  And typically turned into another PC scener.

Noiz Phaktah wants to correct this :)

Noiz Phaktah "...  is a music-group.  We ONLY release MODULES (except for
 very special occasions).  Elektronik musik only (ambient to gabba).
 Remember that.  :)                                                /h0l." ¹

¹ hollywood, mono211,

-=[ members ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

hotcakes.......[ organiser, music ]............[ ]
silkworm..................[ music ]............[ ]
pioneer...................[ music ]............[ ]
midnight flip.............[ music ]............[ ]
quiklite..................[ music ]............[         email@not.public ]
spawn.....................[ ascii ]............[         email@not.public ]

(the door is always open for top notch new electro-mod musos to join our
 ranks.  Email us for more info : guest releases welcome too.)

-=[ contact - email hotcakes : ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

distribution :    ftp, pub/aminet/mods/misc/    [ AmiNet US ]
                                  (and all other Aminet mirrors worldwide!)

email        : mailto (to join the mailing list to get
                            all the latest releases, ask for lhas or zips!)

-=[ credits ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
nfo file by hotcakes, borrowed from  phase^distortion, who borrowed it from
mono, who borrowed it from kfmf.                       ascii logo by spawn.

Contents of mods/misc/NP_PopYF.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                  495    1545  32.0% -lh5- 0f2b Feb 21  2001 np_2001.rel
[generic]               646369  850804  76.0% -lh5- 3a13 Feb 21  2001 np_Dungeon.OSS
[generic]               195860  490540  39.9% -lh5- b0fd Feb 21  2001 np_PopYourFizzbang!.OSS
[generic]                40541   98304  41.2% -lh5- 7f66 Sep  3  2000 OctaMEDPlayer.exe
[generic]                 2531    5902  42.9% -lh5- 121a Feb 21  2001 NP_PopYF.nfo
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total         5 files  885796 1447095  61.2%            Mar  5  2001
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