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Short:Goa inspired techno octamed module
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By - phia

S-mail: P.O.Box 608, Semaphore 5019 South Australia, Australia

Transient sez:

"Transient" is an electronic music group which specialises in techno and
house/dance tracks, yet also journeys into the fields of drum'n'bass/jungle
and the more pure, hard-edged forms of trance, goa and acid.

At present, we have three members: phia, Zee and Naf. We're always on the
lookout for more, so if you'd like to join, simply get in touch with us at
one of the above addresses.

phia sez:

A little piece of goa inspired techno with a nice repeating beeper rhythm
with the filtered technique courtesy of, strangely enough, filter(!) in the
sample editor. Some good moments in this one.

If you like this song but feel there could be some changes made, then get
cracking and make a remix! Send it to me and i might upload it as a
Transient guest-release-remix thingy.

Serious news now.

It's confession time. Homer j and phia are one and the same person. Long ago
i decided to create a phantom artist to 1) make Transient look like it had
more members and 2) have a name to release any modules under which i felt
weren't quite up to Homer j's standard either in style or quality, but were
still worthy of release.

This worked fine until I didn't want the Homer j handle anymore. A bit too
copyrighty i thought. So i made Homer j leave. And his reputation followed.

I brought Homer j back, (release 71) but i was still stuck with the name. I
had to come clean.

So now i ask forgiveness from all those Homer j fans out there and plead
with them to understand that it's not easy to run a music group, especially
when you're using a program that's shunned as much as OctaMED is.

I have now decided on using the name phia (which, incidentally, is supposed
to be pronounced "fire") fulltime and abolish the Homer j name. So although
the name is gone, his legacy and reputation live on.

Thanks to all those who wrote to me about Homer j's modules, including:

Alastair Battrick: School days, school days, never let me go.
Alexandre Gabriel: Ahh, picturesque Lvistânia.
Amninder Sandhu (Aaron): Oh, Canada.
Andrew Flynn: aka CD desire rejuvenator.
Ashley Atkins: He mailed me and now look at him. He's IN the group, man.
Bobby Clark: In a word; unique.
Brian Jones: For that first remix. Thanks.
Carsten Bartels: Still smokin'?
Chris Dawson: Still hackin'? (where've you been?)
Craig: Keep away from those substances.
Darcey Lloyd: Security still hassling you?
David Derdeyn: Heard all the "Jubilee" remixes yet?
Dennis Johnson: For the most concise e-mail i've recieved yet. Thanks.
DJ Eiuaua: Got dat mad Spanish flava. Olé!
Ewan Pettigrew: Do you still want to join? I can dig XM.
Hans Ponsen: Prodigy fan?
Ian: Drum'n'bass from the Zulu Nation.
Jack Temperton: Worlds oldest Transient fan?
Jay Howse: Possibly the best name for a house DJ/musician?
Joseph Dixon: Wanna change your handle to Pokey?
Kai Sivertsen: Finished that "Chemikaze" remix?
Lars Mogensen: All the way back from CUCD14. I remembered.
Lars Overberg: Wow! TRSI Recordz.
luNix: You've sure got some interesting musical tastes.
Mat Bettinson: Thanks for putting me on as audio!
Matthias Bethke: Pure praise. Thanks.
Michael Mittermaier: German stylee.
Nick Salt: Did i ever get No.1?
Ninoslav Budjak: Got those releases?
Paul Branney: For my first e-mail. Thanks.
Paul Frederiks: Do you still owe me some samples?
Ron White: All good things are made on an Amiga.
Russell Hopkinson: Are you still around? Mail me.
Stéphane Payet: Just keep checking Aminet.
Thomas Pucyk: Quick, look! It's 11:30pm again.
Tony Hasselbacher: How's my "Trip" theme-demo? Got some rock for you, too.
Urban Mueller: Aminet uber-dude. Thanks for the job offer.

And to all these people a big =)

We always sez:

E-mail us for comments, suggestions, swapping brains, joining up, guest
releases or just for a chat (yes, we are that bored).

Greets to all we know, including: Darcey Lloyd       - UK
                                  Jack Temperton     - UK (oldest fan)
                                  Bobby Clark        - USA
                                  Damnation          - New Zealand
                                  luNix              - Sweden
                                  cBa                - Australia
                                  Mutant Gumby       - Australia
     __                                                               __
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      ¯¯¯¯¯       ¯¯¯¯¯        ¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯            ¯¯¯¯¯     ¯¯¯¯    ¯¯¯¯¯
ph¡a + Zee + naf = Transient                                             1999

Contents of mods/med/tst_spee.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                  133     243  54.7% -lh5- 70f7 Aug 29  1996 file_id.diz
[generic]               285075  455022  62.7% -lh5- ec08 Aug 29  1996 med.Speelunking
[generic]                 1992    7528  26.5% -lh5- 462b Aug 29  1996 tst_1997.rel
[generic]                 3267   12806  25.5% -lh5- b942 Aug 29  1996 tst_1998.rel
[generic]                 1622    5243  30.9% -lh5- 3490 Aug 29  1996 tst_1999.rel
[generic]                 2539    5010  50.7% -lh5- fe3d Aug 30  1996 tst_spee.readme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total         6 files  294628  485852  60.6%            Feb 24  1999
Page generated in 0.02 seconds
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