` Astral Plane '
By - Bobby Clark, B.C. Productions, for the Transient label
To contact Bobby:
E-mail: bobclark@korrnet.org
WWW: http://members.tripod.com/~Dr_Who_9/bc-productions.html
To contact Transient:
E-mail: imugford@newave.net.au
S-mail: P.O.Box 608, Semaphore 5019 South Australia, Australia
WWW: http://surf.to/transient
Transient sez:
"Transient" is an electronic music group with dreams of the big time. At
present we have four members, Homer j, Naf, phia and Zee. Any music that we
release will be under the `Transient' name.
Oh, by the way, if any group/individual would like to help release/spread
our mods on a permanent basis, or if anyone is interested in joining up with
us, or if you need a musician in your crew or music for your production,
then just get in touch with us at one of the above addresses.
B.C. sez:
This one has been sittin' around on my floppies for a very long time and I
finally got it finished. It seems that there just is not enough atmospheric
drum'n'bass stuff out there, so I decided to throw in my two cents worth. I
think it's very blissful, relaxing and it has lots of weird spacey vox and
acid bits.
I can't remember where all the sounds came from, although the drumbeats and
choral vox lead were lifted from the MED "Chill", by Christos Dimitriokakis
(did I spell that right?) The pad sound was taken from the mod "Hypnotic
Pulse" by marc/syndrome and the acid sound from the mod "Dance Minion", by
Chill. The synth sound used before the first drum break is an original
creation of mine. (I do love synthsounds, at times)
As always, if you think you can remix this mod, or you want to use these
sounds, feel free. However, it would be really cool if you sent me whatever
it is you concocted up from this one. Thanks in advance.
Homer j sez:
This one takes me away to a far off world where angels float in the sky along
with masses of roast chickens. Ahhh... Thanks Bobby. :)
Our debut album "Visions" is now available on CD. Mail me for more info.
phia sez:
I've started a deep house/speed garage sort of remix of this one, so keep
your eyes peeled and your ears pricked. =)
We always sez:
E-mail us for comments, suggestions, swapping brains, joining up, guest
releases or just for a chat (yes, we are that bored).
Greets to all we know, including: Darcey Lloyd - UK
Bobby Clark - USA
Damnation - New Zealand
luNix - Sweden
cBa - Australia
Mutant Gumby - Australia
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}{øm@® j + nå£ + ph¡a + Zee = Transient 1998