` The Synthetic God '
By - phia
E-mail: imugford@newave.net.au
S-mail: P.O.Box 608, Semaphore 5019 South Australia, Australia
WWW: http://surf.to/transient
(these websites are temporary whilst an Aural Sex site is constructed)
Aural Sex sez:
"Aural Sex" is a new group concentrating on releasing high quality 4 channel
modules. The releases will probably only appeal to lovers of fine techno.
You know, the repetitive yet addictive electronic stuff commonly played at
underground raves, goa parties, etc. This music is not for the charts. If
you want commercialism, go elsewhere. =)
phia sez:
This is the debut release for the Transient spin-off project, Aural Sex. If
you are a musician writing good 4 channel modules (yes, they do still exist)
and wish to have them uploaded and spread around, then mail us and send some
This one is a little on the acidic side and a little on the freaky side too!
Some cool parts in this tune, but if you're not into this style, then you
probably won't like it. =)
Homer j sez:
Call me strange, but i like this module. If you feel the same, send phia a
mail to tell him so. If you don't like it, send him a mail anyway. :)
If you want a CD of "Visions", send an electronic transmission. :P The next
CD, "A Segment of Time" should be finished by October 1998. Some certain
musicians and groups will recieve complimentary copies of both albums and if
anyone sends me some good modules of theirs to be released, i may also send
them a copy. The tracklist for "A Segment of Time" will appear in a release
We always sez:
E-mail us for comments, suggestions, module and/or sample swapping, or just
for a chat (yes, we are that bored). Over 180mb worth of samples and 4gb
(yes GIG-a-bytes) worth of all styles of modules are available, so if you
want something, just ask.
Greets to all we know, including: Darcey Lloyd - UK
Bobby Clark - USA
Damnation/Instinct - New Zealand
Mutant Gumby - Australia
}{øm@® j + nå£ + ph¡a = Aural Sex 1998