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Short:Death metal octamed module with vocals
Author:Homer J
Uploader:imugford box satech net au
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` Welcome '

By - Homer J

S-mail: P.O.Box 608, Semaphore 5019 South Australia, Australia

Firstly, i know it's big, but who cares? Secondly, lets get one thing
straight. I don't believe in this Satanic cult worship stuff, okay. I just
thought that it would be something funny and different, to have a mod of
this style and type uploaded. I personally think that there are enough
techno/dance/demo tunes floating around the scene already. Not that there's
anything wrong with them, (most are very good) it's just that there's so
many of them! :)

After some intial jiggery-pokery with the drums and guitars, i stumbled upon
a combination that sounded rather good. At this point i must admit that some
of the ideas (not lyrics) are taken from songs by various groups such as
Sepultura, Vader, Pantera, Athiest etc. Then, when i had a few good blocks
down, i thought that it would be cool to try and add some of my own vocals.
After raiding the stores for Strepsils© and Benadryl©, i prepared myself for
the onslaught that my throat was going to recieve.

Suprisingly the "singing" was easy. It was the writing of the lyrics which
proved to be the most difficult step. After i had a few verses, i used
AudiomasterII to make the samples and OctaMED Soundstudio to centralize
them. This is mainly because my sampler sucks, but that will change in the
near future. Using the volume, echo, and filter functions, i messed with the
samples so that they sounded "suitable".

This mod was especially written for a girl called Chelsea, who thinks there
are not enough rock/thrash/metal on my hard drive. :)

All samples (except for the lyrics, obviously) were taken from other mods.
Following is a list of some of the samples and, according to my readme and
text directories, where they came from and who wrote the tunes.

  --Sample---No.(s)------Module name------------------Author--

    Wind     (1)         Bionic Life (Oktalyzer mod)  Virus Modulator
    Wind     (2)         Bionic Life (Oktalyzer mod)  Virus Modulator
    Atomic   (3)         Der letzte versuch           M&M Das Dream Team
    Guitars  (h,o,p,q,   Digital Cadaver              Jason Sexton
               r,s,t,v)                               (original by CYBERGRIND)
I have tried to credit as many samples as i can. Thanks to all above (and
others) who provided these fine samples. I hope they don't mind too much.
The drum samples were mixed by me and the rhythm one (c) was mixed within
OctaMED, e.g. i didn't use mod2smp etc.

For people who like to croon along, here are the complete lyrics.

                         Lyrics for ` Welcome '

Verse 1:               Darkness is your security.
                  The realms of death, they welcome me.
                      Open arms for peace of mind.
                       Experience the other side.

                     South of heaven, North of hell,
                   where all living souls must dwell.
                     Make a choice which way to go.
                       Fuck above and head below.

Chorus:                        Pentecost.
                             Join with us.

Verse 2:              Pentagram inscribed in mind.
                     Hell awaits, it is your time.
                        Satan will devour trust.
                    Southern Cross means more to us.

                       Silently the soul abates.
                     Pain and suffering, your fate.
                     Give no less and take no more.
                        My new master, Lucifer.

Chorus: (as before)                                         

Verse 3:              Open arms for peace of mind.
                     Hell awaits, it is your time.
                        Satan will devour trust.
                    Southern Cross means more to us.

                      Pentagram inscribed in mind.
                       Experience the other side.
                       Darkness is your security.
                  The realms of death, they welcome me.

I have to say that all vocal samples and lyrics are mine. If you re-use them
or (god forbid) re-mix this mod, then please send me a copy.

Quiz Time: Am i sick?

E-mail me for comments, suggestions, module and/or sample swapping, or just
for a chat (yes, i am that bored). With over 40 mb worth of samples and
210 mb of various modules, i have a lot to swap. Some of the samples are
rather good, some are average, and some are downright crap. I guess the
same could be said for the modules! :)

Note: From now on, all of my mods will be in the med directory on Aminet and
have a hmr_ prefix. My first uploaded mod, Parallax, did not have this.

Burp.                            }{øm@® j                               ¶ß^þ

Contents of mods/med/hmr_welc.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]               445010  730046  61.0% -lh5- 2ddf Nov  6  1996 med.Welcome
[generic]                 2188    4956  44.1% -lh5- 4d20 Nov  6  1996 hmr_welc.readme
[generic]                   85     161  52.8% -lh5- 00eb Nov  6  1996 file_id.diz
[generic]                  867    2653  32.7% -lh5- f445 Aug 21  1996 README_FiRST!
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total         4 files  448150  737816  60.7%            Nov  7  1996
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