` Visions '
Daybreak 1:57
Plans 5:37
Identify 4:50
Continuum 4:05
Parallax 5:28 For more information on the seperate songs, please
Full Throttle 4:31 read the corresponding .readme file.
Millennium 3:11
Heartbeats 5:14
Expand 5:06
Visions 1:12
By - Homer j
E-mail: imugford@box.net.au
S-mail: P.O.Box 608, Semaphore 5019 South Australia, Australia
Transient sez:
"Transient" is a new electronic music group with dreams of the big time. At
present we only have two members, Homer j and Naff. After knowing each other
for years, we decided to put some of our tunes into an album length release.
We're not out to sell any copies just yet, but you never can tell, can you?
Although none of Naff's tunes appear on this particular album, he is still
considered to be an integral part of Transient.
Oh, by the way, if any group/individual would like to help release/spread
our mods on a permanent basis, or if anyone is interested in joining up with
us, or if you need a musician in your crew or music for your production,
then just get in touch with us at one of the above addresses.
This whole album idea came about when one day we decided to put together a
couple of tracks to burn onto a CD. After laying a few basic ideas down and
investigating into how much it would cost us to produce the CD, we decided
to go to a tape format first and then maybe progress to CD. Please note that
we never intended to make massive amounts of the CD and conquer the market,
instead we only wanted about five copies and to distribute them to some good
friends and people in "tha bizness" to see what the response would be like.
Anyway, the costs involved made the CD a non-reality, so we recorded the
album onto some good quality tapes using just a normal Pioneer stereo and
tape deck <see below for details>. The result was impressive (not surprising
considering the amount of time that was put into writing and editing the
songs to sound decent) and we thought it would be cool to try to sell them.
The total length of the album is approximately 42 minutes. This is a nice
size as it fits snugly onto one side of a 90 minute tape. :)
The album goes on sale on the 19-06-1997, at the same time as the uploading
of this archive. There is no advertising planned so far and like before,
we're not expecting huge sales. If we sell some copies, great. If we don't,
who cares? This was, is and always will be a fun project. However, a little
bit of professionalism never hurt anyone.
Of course, anyone downloading this archive could put all the tracks onto a
tape themselves. But then they don't recieve the trippy looking cover
picture and nice design layout of the whole album. :)
About copyright: As far as we're concerned anyone can remix, rehash, rip,
use, hack, and play these songs anywhere, anytime, with anything that they
want to. The only little rule is that you should credit `Homer j' or
`Transient' as the original author/s of the songs/samples that you use.
If you do remix any of these tunes, it would be nice if you could send a
copy of whatever you come up with to one of the above addresses. Thanks.
If anybody wants a copy of "Visions", mail us the above E-mail address and
we'll organize a method of getting the album to you. This offer is not just
restricted to Australian customers. Anyone in the world can ask for a copy.
As a guide, the cost of the album is AUD$5 (5 Australian dollars). Postage
and packing costs will differ, depending on where you want the album sent.
Equipment used to create this album include the following items:
One Amiga 500 68000 with 1mb chip ram and 4/8mb of fast ram.
One Amiga 1200 68020/28mhz with 1mb chip ram and 4mb of fast ram.
One GVP Impact Series II hard drive controller.
One Seagate SCSI-2 Medalist 1080sl 1.0gb hard drive.
One Quantum IDE 540mb hard drive.
Two 1084s Commodore monitors.
One Phoenix Technologies AUDI618 audio digitiser.
One Sony FH-B50CD mini hi-fi system.
One Pioneer component system made up from an SX-303R Amplifier/Tuner,
a PD-M503sr CD Player, a CT-W503Rsr Cassette Deck and a GR-333
Graphic Equalizer.
Two 170 watt Linear Design K-2500 speakers.
Software used to create this album include the following programs:
OctaMED Pro v3.00
OctaMED Soundstudio v1.02
ProTracker v3.18b
ProTracker v3.5
AudioMaster II
AudioEngineer II+
Mod2Smp v0.78g
303Emu v2.2
DPaintIV v4.6
Thanks to all the authors of the above programs for writing such useful
stuff. Special thanks go to Teijo Kinnunen for providing the musically
talented and computer literate peoples of this world with one of the best
trackers ever, OctaMED. Also thanks to hali for developing the `module-
writers-dream-come-true', Mod2Smp. Without it, all these songs could never
have been written in only four channels.
"Attitude is one thing. But a good song is the most important thing.
It's the only way to really touch someone".
- Kurt Cobain
Thanks for downloading this archive. Feel free to distribute it around,
but please include all the text files that came in it. Thankyou.
We always sez:
E-mail us for comments, suggestions, module and/or sample swapping, or just
for a chat (yes, we are that bored). Over 70mb worth of samples and 4gb (yes
GIG-a-bytes) worth of all styles of modules are available, so if you want
something, just ask.
Greets to all we know, including: Damnation/Instinct - New Zealand
Ashley Atkins - UK
Darcey Lloyd - UK
Mutant Gumby - Australia
}{øm@® j + n壣 = Transient 1997