in flames ... and medplayers capable of coping with synth
and hybrid sounds.
Very loud, very distorted jungle stuff, B.C. style:
Name of this composition: "Vortex"
Style: Drum and Bass, Jungle, Breakbeat, Acid
Influences: Most definitely, a lot of the stuff by Photek,
probably one of the best professional junglists
out there ... also, the module work of pANiK and
other members of da j0intmen ...
Ok, I finally got brave enough, and did a raw, distorted, aggresive
jungle track. The bass hums were created using an Octamed hybrid sample:
A bass hum lifted from a pANiK mod and a synthsound script which causes
the sound to slide down or up. The breakbeats were run through the filter
and boost functions a bit, in an attempt to emulate the metallic breakbeat
sound present in a lot of Photek's music. If you love jungle stuff, you
MUST check out his new "Modus Operandi" CD.
Greetings this time to:
Saraba, Lindy, all in #amigacafe ... thanx a bunch
for your support.
Homer J, phia, zee, all in Transient.
RS3, Lopy, Pointless, Shade, Chaosnite, Totoman,
my friends in NoAff ...
pANiK, Avid, Sheffra, Redd Kaa, others in da
j0intmen, for doing some cool jungle stuff!
If this one rumbles you and wakes up the neighbours, then e-mail me
at: .. or surf the B.C. Productions Homepage at:
No Affiliation ("NoAff") website: