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Short: | \"Hunt for Blue Monday \'98\" remix by B.C. |
Author: | Jan Ullrich Bister ("Sound of Ullrich"), remix by B.C. Productions |
Uploader: | bobclark korrnet org |
Type: | mods/med |
Architecture: | generic |
Date: | 1998-05-11 |
Requires: | Some sort of MMD1 medplayer ... |
Download: | mods/med/bc-hunt.lha - View contents | Readme: | mods/med/bc-hunt.readme |
Downloads: | 451 |
B.C. Productions strikes again, with ANOTHER remix:
Name of this composition: "Hunt for Blue Monday '98"
Originally by: Sound of Ullrich, Ltd.
Style: Old style techno-dance pop music
Influences: Apart from the obvious New Order influences,
I do detect a lot of Erasure stuff, and a lot
of the classic house influences too.
To Urban: This MED is being uploaded with the knowledge and permission
of the original author, Jan Ullrich Brister. So please, don't
delete it, there's a good fellow.
Well, I was downloading stuff off Aminet (my favorite pastime ya know),
and came across this little tune. It really caught my fancy, so one day
when I was bored, I set about remixing it cos I liked it so much.
The objective, here, was to create a STEREO version of this tune, which
could be listened to on any stereo system with a minimum of splitting.
Echoing voices make it sound spacier too, as do my trademarked vox
sample offset timestretches ... by now, a familiar trapping of mine.
Anyway, if you like classic 4-beat dance electronica, get this!
Thanks to the following:
________ Egadd, for getting my music played in clubs ...
/ _____ | Homer J and Transient ... still waiting on that
/ / | | "Electrochemistry" remix ... :)
/ / _ _| |_ Moonlady, for her *hugs* n *kisses* n stuff. :)
| | / \ | | | | Saraba of #amigacafe for being a friend ...
| | \_/ |_| |_| Lindy of #amigachat undernet ... best of luck
\ \ / / with your new channel.
\ \____/ / RS3 ..... yes, I am still alive!
\______/ Ullrich, for writing such a cool module and
SOU, Ltd. 1998 letting me have fun with it!
Comments to: Ullrich: ullrich@gwis.com
B.C.: bobclark@korrnet.org
Visit the B.C. Productions page: http://members.tripod.com/~Dr_Who_9
Or visit Ullrich's homepage: http://w3.gwis.com/~ullrich
(p.s. to Ullrich: I hope I drew your logo correctly ... *grin*)
Contents of mods/med/bc-hunt.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 132177 202964 65.1% -lh1- 0486 Jul 20 1996 Hunt for Blue Monday '98.MED
[generic] 1293 2461 52.5% -lh1- 3d57 Jul 21 1996 bc-hunt.readme
[generic] 2980 2980 100.0% -lh0- 6152 Jul 22 1996 bc-logo.gif
[generic] 4011 4464 89.9% -lh1- 7b61 Jul 22 1996 bobby.jpg
[generic] 742 1277 58.1% -lh1- 539d Jul 22 1996 readme.1st
[generic] 3254 11147 29.2% -lh1- 2a0e Jul 21 1996 bc-releases.readme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 6 files 144457 225293 64.1% May 10 1998
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