B.C. returns to the aminet, with a new release ... imagine that, eh?
Name of this composition: "Aerospace"
Style: Ambient, spaced out dance music
Influences: A bit of Enigma, a bit of generic harmless
techno-dance, and a bit of dramamine to combat
any motion sickness.
After you do music for awhile, you tend to get burned out. Or at least, I
do ... I started on this particular piece a few months ago, put it aside.
My creative juices had sort of run dry, and I only now have been able to get
to this piece of music, which is really quite melodic and spacey, and very
stereo-ambient. Sounds much better in stereo, I think.
The sounds, for the most part, are the same as in my previous self-titled
"B.C." module. I took some parts of the module, saved them as Protracker
mods, and PS3MREC'ed them to add to the thickness of some sections.
And now, for the obligatory B.C. credits:
, ` ,
- o - The people of #amigacafe channel. Yes, I am
' , ` still alive!
^ Saraba ... for being a real true friend through
/|\ the rough times.
___---~~~/ | \~~~---____
/ | \ Teknique, for designing the new B.C. logo
/ | \ viewable on my webpage.
Jarno Panaanen for writing PS3MREC, once again
B.C. Productions 1998 a very useful program.
Homer J, all the Transient guys ... one of the
BEST amiga tracker groups in existence!
Spaced out? Want to send some fan mail? Try these:
E-mail: bobclark@korrnet.org
WWW: http://members.tripod.com/~Dr_Who_9/bc-productions.html