Please don't read this if you are lacking time! This text contains
no vital information at all!
Wagon Train (released July 30th, 1998)
This archive contains my 9th module released on the Aminet (very straight
techno style, see if you like it). It was composed using OctaMED
Please use the OctaMED Player to play it. If you use a Windoze 95
PC please have a look at, where you can download the
Win Octamed Player. Of course the Amiga player is there as well.
Special Greetz to Leto, the only person who ever send me a comment on my
music. Thanks.
Legal Stuff: The module is herewith declared as freeware, but the music
and arrangement is still copyrighted © by The Holoboys a.k.a. Philip
Steffan. To put it clearly: You may do with it whatever you want, but if
I hear this song on the radio and someone else states responsible and
becomes a millionaire I will get a bit angry... And please tell me if you
put this song on a cover cd (yes, I'm talking to you CU Amiga guys!)
Look out for my other releases (or just search for "HB_#?"):
HB_FirstCompo.lha - FirstComposition , rated 6 by the Aminet crew
HB_FourDogs.lha - FourDogs , rated ???
HB_tajMahal.lha, - tajMahal , rated 6 by the Aminet crew
HB_Whools.lha, - Whools Theme , rated 6 by the Aminet crew
hb_pizza.lha, - Pizza...or not? , rated ?
HB_Silent.lha, - Silent Thunder , strange, but worth the time
HB_Snowfall.lha, - Snowfall in Summer, the first with 8 channels
HB_NextPhase.lha - Next Phase , my best one so far
(all of them in mods/med, sometimes mixed case, sorry)
More on my home page:
HH *** * * **** HH ····T·H·E···H·O·L·O·B·O·Y·S···· /// ···by·PhiL
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Philip Steffan / Im neuen Roth 8 / D47918 Tönisvorst /
Amiga 1200T/68040-MMU-FPU/2+32Meg/425MegHD/12-CD-Rom/28.8k Modem/SCSI-Zip