Please don't read this if you are lacking time! This text contains
no vital information at all!
Yeah, finally got my e-mail: Please write to !!!
Snowfall in Summer
This archive contains my 7th module released on the Aminet (kinda Euro-
dance/techno/trance/synth/medodic/whateveryouwant style)
It was composed using OctaMED 5.04 from Aminet CD 12.
Please use the OctaMED Player to play this one. DeliTracker also
plays it kinda right, but I...think there is some subtle difference,
it just sounds strange. If you use a Windoze PC please have a look
at, where you can download the Win Octamed Player.
The strange name shows how I actually made the module: I composed
a melody somewhen in January, then saved it to "Snowfall", because
I looked out of the window and it (guess what!) was snowing!
I forgot about this tune for the next half year and finally reworked
it in August and September ... and there you have the name!
The original tune was somehow "degraded" in the process and now is
just one of the accompanying voices, where others are more important.
And, it is also my first 8-Channel Med. Hope you like it!
(Wait a minute, who am I talking to ?!? Will somebody ever read this
crap, or just download this module? I guess not...)
BTW, this time no picture in the archive. First, because I ran out of
stupid images, second, as I have Internet access now, I realized how
annoying it is to download loads of kilobytes just to find out half of
it was some superfluous junk!
Legal Stuff: The module is herewith declared as freeware, but the music
and arrangement is still copyrighted © by The Holoboys a.k.a. Philip
Steffan. To put it clearly: You may do with it whatever you want, but if
I hear this song on the radio and someone else states responsible and
becomes a millionaire I will get a bit angry...
Look out for my other releases (or just search for "HB_#?"):
HB_FirstCompo.lha - FirstComposition , rated 6
HB_FourDogs.lha - FourDogs , not rated yet
HB_tajMahal.lha, - tajMahal , rated 6
HB_Whools.lha, - Whools Theme , rated 6
hb_pizza.lha, - Pizza...or not? , not rated yet
HB_Silent.lha, - Silent Thunder , *NEW* , get it now!
(all of them in mods/med)
Live long and prosper ... and support the Amiga!
HH *** * * **** HH ····T·H·E···H·O·L·O·B·O·Y·S···· /// ···by·PhiL
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Philip Steffan / Im neuen Roth 8 / D47918 Tönisvorst /
Amiga 1200T/68040-MMU-FPU/2+16Meg/425MegHD/4×-CD-Rom/28.8k Modem/SCSI-Zip