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Short:ST-38 - Sampledisk for Trackerbased Composer Software
Author:a lot people :)
Uploader:Finn Jacobs <fjacobs computerlabor math uni-kiel de>
Download:mods/inst/st-38.lha - View contents

  This Samplesdisk is one of a big sample library. This big library contains
of various contents.

  Most of the samples are saved in the IFF-Format, but have no additional ex-
tension to their filename. The samples not saved in the format mentioned above
are saved in RAW-Format. I think nearly every Tracker can load this both for-
mats, so you don't have to get a headache about that ;-)

  The samples on the disks are not sorted to their contents, so I had a fine
easy job, just copying them to disk, instead of listening and sorting to a
special directory. I most cases I tried to explain the contents in the file-
name, e.g. sx-bdrum, sx-vocal, sx-sdrum etc.  You see, bdrum means the base-
drum and sdrum means the snaredrum. You won't have any probs with that, I
guess, especially when you already composing music. Well, just sampling new
one would be better for profi composers, but receycling is better, even.

Contents of mods/inst/st-38.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                 7680    9410  81.6% -lh5- 698e Jun 25  1997 ST-38/Beau
[generic]                 6259    8790  71.2% -lh5- 952a Jun 25  1997 ST-38/beug
[generic]                 1755    2036  86.2% -lh5- 8a31 Jun 25  1997 ST-38/boing
[generic]                 3697    5104  72.4% -lh5- 85c5 Jun 25  1997 ST-38/bomm
[generic]                13211   17255  76.6% -lh5- df35 Jun 25  1997 ST-38/break001
[generic]                19254   28128  68.5% -lh5- 0650 Jun 25  1997 ST-38/break004
[generic]                21663   27755  78.1% -lh5- f4d9 Jun 25  1997 ST-38/break007
[generic]                13688   16913  80.9% -lh5- 8333 Jun 25  1997 ST-38/bumbum
[generic]                 2144    5036  42.6% -lh5- 941d Jun 25  1997 ST-38/crbbasstrommel1
[generic]                 6734   11713  57.5% -lh5- b0d1 Jun 25  1997 ST-38/depeche1
[generic]                 7333   11703  62.7% -lh5- 1de4 Jun 25  1997 ST-38/depeche2
[generic]                 2157    2776  77.7% -lh5- 468b Jun 25  1997 ST-38/dragon-bass
[generic]                 1983    2948  67.3% -lh5- 0083 Jun 25  1997 ST-38/dragon-bdrum
[generic]                 1906    2740  69.6% -lh5- 3ec2 Jun 25  1997 ST-38/dragon-craftkling
[generic]                 4399    7346  59.9% -lh5- f7ea Jun 25  1997 ST-38/dragon-snare
[generic]                 1522    1812  84.0% -lh5- 1409 Jun 25  1997 ST-38/dragon-snare2
[generic]                 4733    6538  72.4% -lh5- 7784 Jun 25  1997 ST-38/dragon-string2
[generic]                 4163    9302  44.8% -lh5- 90f0 Jun 25  1997 ST-38/dragon-wholestring
[generic]                 7019   10104  69.5% -lh5- 7a6f Jun 25  1997 ST-38/droehn
[generic]                 5402    8566  63.1% -lh5- a7a4 Jun 25  1997 ST-38/electom2
[generic]                 9245   11326  81.6% -lh5- 0799 Jun 25  1997 ST-38/freibier
[generic]                 7945   10975  72.4% -lh5- 3f3f Jun 25  1997 ST-38/gespenst
[generic]                 6408    7656  83.7% -lh5- 535b Jun 25  1997 ST-38/guitar2
[generic]                14526   20059  72.4% -lh5- bfab Jun 25  1997 ST-38/jack3
[generic]                18339   24363  75.3% -lh5- ace4 Jun 25  1997 ST-38/jack4
[generic]                 9444   16167  58.4% -lh5- 7e63 Jun 25  1997 ST-38/jack5
[generic]                22911   30347  75.5% -lh5- 4587 Jun 25  1997 ST-38/jacktothe
[generic]                 1621    2296  70.6% -lh5- bf53 Jun 25  1997 ST-38/jb-bass
[generic]                 2509    3098  81.0% -lh5- 2ceb Jun 25  1997 ST-38/jb-bdrum
[generic]                 1802    4692  38.4% -lh5- 00b4 Jun 25  1997 ST-38/jb-brasstring
[generic]                 5404    6882  78.5% -lh5- 6107 Jun 25  1997 ST-38/jb-checkthisout
[generic]                 1086    1612  67.4% -lh5- 588a Jun 25  1997 ST-38/jb-cowbell
[generic]                 3409    4182  81.5% -lh5- 65a3 Jun 25  1997 ST-38/jb-diocry
[generic]                  906    1342  67.5% -lh5- 7f58 Jun 25  1997 ST-38/jb-hihat
[generic]                 8358   11404  73.3% -lh5- 223a Jun 25  1997 ST-38/jb-hit
[generic]                 6240    7264  85.9% -lh5- 0405 Jun 25  1997 ST-38/jb-iya
[generic]                 5983    9582  62.4% -lh5- 3572 Jun 25  1997 ST-38/jb-orchestrahit
[generic]                 7594   12482  60.8% -lh5- 76e0 Jun 25  1997 ST-38/jb-saxophone
[generic]                  732     806  90.8% -lh5- e14e Jun 25  1997 ST-38/jb-shaker
[generic]                 3649    4538  80.4% -lh5- 9f7f Jun 25  1997 ST-38/jb-snare
[generic]                22755   27191  83.7% -lh5- 89db Jun 25  1997 ST-38/kobarski
[generic]                20754   26294  78.9% -lh5- a709 Jun 25  1997 ST-38/kohlkopf1
[generic]                20892   27433  76.2% -lh5- e16f Jun 25  1997 ST-38/lemmy
[generic]                 9547   12950  73.7% -lh5- abcd Jun 25  1997 ST-38/lujasogi
[generic]                28310   32195  87.9% -lh5- 0792 Jun 25  1997 ST-38/maiden1
[generic]                16905   19880  85.0% -lh5- 48da Jun 25  1997 ST-38/makemyday
[generic]                 1754    3891  45.1% -lh5- 8425 Jun 25  1997 ST-38/medusa-bass
[generic]                13375   13605  98.3% -lh5- 72f1 Jun 25  1997 ST-38/medusa-horn1
[generic]                 3194    3402  93.9% -lh5- a043 Jun 25  1997 ST-38/medusa-horn2
[generic]                16208   18884  85.8% -lh5- 277b Jun 25  1997 ST-38/nfc
[generic]                 6690    8124  82.3% -lh5- 8123 Jun 25  1997 ST-38/oldguitar
[generic]                 1014    1818  55.8% -lh5- d03b Jun 25  1997 ST-38/paulhihat
[generic]                17703   25168  70.3% -lh5- b1e4 Jun 25  1997 ST-38/picturethis
[generic]                 6806    7258  93.8% -lh5- 2b3a Jun 25  1997 ST-38/rakim
[generic]                22181   28132  78.8% -lh5- 7782 Jun 25  1997 ST-38/shake
[generic]                 7224    9391  76.9% -lh5- c8f5 Jun 25  1997 ST-38/sirene
[generic]                15326   19492  78.6% -lh5- 4f67 Jun 25  1997 ST-38/sirene2
[generic]                22408   28851  77.7% -lh5- 92c5 Jun 25  1997 ST-38/sputnikvoice
[generic]                17586   22530  78.1% -lh5- bfc9 Jun 25  1997 ST-38/strings10
[generic]                16558   18427  89.9% -lh5- 576f Jun 25  1997 ST-38/strings11
[generic]                12500   16673  75.0% -lh5- ae19 Jun 25  1997 ST-38/strings12
[generic]                 6617    8944  74.0% -lh5- b558 Jun 25  1997 ST-38/synth2
[generic]                 5684    5885  96.6% -lh5- c44c Jun 25  1997 ST-38/synth3
[generic]                20175   25238  79.9% -lh5- 91d2 Jun 25  1997 ST-38/tellitto
[generic]                  364     470  77.4% -lh5- 5d77 Jun 25  1997 ST-38/tschak
[generic]                 7726    9710  79.6% -lh5- c0a5 Jun 25  1997 ST-38/yeah
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        66 files  615069  808884  76.0%            Jul 11  1997
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