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Short:ST-33 - Sampledisk for Trackerbased Composer Software
Author:a lot people :)
Uploader:Finn Jacobs <fjacobs computerlabor math uni-kiel de>
Download:mods/inst/st-33.lha - View contents

  This Samplesdisk is one of a big sample library. This big library contains
of various contents.

  Most of the samples are saved in the IFF-Format, but have no additional ex-
tension to their filename. The samples not saved in the format mentioned above
are saved in RAW-Format. I think nearly every Tracker can load this both for-
mats, so you don't have to get a headache about that ;-)

  The samples on the disks are not sorted to their contents, so I had a fine
easy job, just copying them to disk, instead of listening and sorting to a
special directory. I most cases I tried to explain the contents in the file-
name, e.g. sx-bdrum, sx-vocal, sx-sdrum etc.  You see, bdrum means the base-
drum and sdrum means the snaredrum. You won't have any probs with that, I
guess, especially when you already composing music. Well, just sampling new
one would be better for profi composers, but receycling is better, even.

Contents of mods/inst/st-33.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                12879   19604  65.7% -lh5- 3af8 Jun 25  1997 st-33/123
[generic]                19097   25809  74.0% -lh5- 864a Jun 25  1997 st-33/1989
[generic]                 6997    8907  78.6% -lh5- 479d Jun 25  1997 ST-33/abraxas1
[generic]                11331   31904  35.5% -lh5- 9cf4 Jun 25  1997 ST-33/accordion2
[generic]                 3719    4224  88.0% -lh5- f682 Jun 25  1997 ST-33/bassdrum33
[generic]                  973    1048  92.8% -lh5- 00ea Jun 25  1997 ST-33/bassdrum34
[generic]                 3847    5479  70.2% -lh5- 88b1 Jun 25  1997 ST-33/bassdrum35
[generic]                 9433   17143  55.0% -lh5- 9ecf Jun 25  1997 ST-33/bassguitar1
[generic]                 3252    3615  90.0% -lh5- 668d Jun 25  1997 ST-33/basssynth2
[generic]                 1974    2040  96.8% -lh5- dfd1 Jun 25  1997 ST-33/basssynth3
[generic]                 1816    2003  90.7% -lh5- b3d9 Jun 25  1997 ST-33/basssynth4
[generic]                 2281    2457  92.8% -lh5- 887b Jun 25  1997 ST-33/basssynth5
[generic]                 3026    4392  68.9% -lh5- 2c49 Jun 25  1997 ST-33/basssynth6
[generic]                20947   25572  81.9% -lh5- e6ea Jun 25  1997 ST-33/basssynth7
[generic]                 2216    2626  84.4% -lh5- 1b05 Jun 25  1997 ST-33/bongo
[generic]                 2490    3173  78.5% -lh5- 0a95 Jun 25  1997 ST-33/bongo2
[generic]                 7047    7604  92.7% -lh5- 4189 Jun 25  1997 ST-33/claps6
[generic]                10127   15154  66.8% -lh5- 1ffc Jun 25  1997 ST-33/fuckoff
[generic]                12363   16605  74.5% -lh5- b5e9 Jun 25  1997 ST-33/haleluja1
[generic]                14019   28508  49.2% -lh5- 41ac Jun 25  1997 ST-33/haleluja2
[generic]                14828   20712  71.6% -lh5- 6df3 Jun 25  1997 ST-33/haleluja3
[generic]                 3540    4198  84.3% -lh5- 3a7b Jun 25  1997 ST-33/hihat8
[generic]                11407   24011  47.5% -lh5- b878 Jun 25  1997 ST-33/hihop2
[generic]                26341   38802  67.9% -lh5- d828 Jun 25  1997 ST-33/hihop3
[generic]                11893   16762  71.0% -lh5- b4e3 Jun 25  1997 ST-33/housemusic
[generic]                20469   27804  73.6% -lh5- 19d9 Jun 25  1997 ST-33/jefrueher
[generic]                28288   37448  75.5% -lh5- ac2d Jun 25  1997 ST-33/jubel
[generic]                 9490   12251  77.5% -lh5- d8a8 Jun 25  1997 ST-33/krise
[generic]                 8690   11020  78.9% -lh5- bae9 Jun 25  1997 ST-33/letsgo
[generic]                13986   17996  77.7% -lh5- ce4c Jun 25  1997 ST-33/mcp1
[generic]                23482   26742  87.8% -lh5- 1a49 Jun 25  1997 ST-33/mcp2
[generic]                16591   20101  82.5% -lh5- e09e Jun 25  1997 ST-33/mcp3
[generic]                17462   20611  84.7% -lh5- b886 Jun 25  1997 ST-33/mcp4
[generic]                12633   14919  84.7% -lh5- 6e24 Jun 25  1997 ST-33/mcp5
[generic]                27933   35887  77.8% -lh5- 2953 Jun 25  1997 ST-33/ocean
[generic]                 7568    9815  77.1% -lh5- 8c65 Jun 25  1997 ST-33/okai
[generic]                 4901    7442  65.9% -lh5- 5c9e Jun 25  1997 ST-33/pauke1
[generic]                 3344    4221  79.2% -lh5- 5ec1 Jun 25  1997 ST-33/ruelps2
[generic]                 1950    2154  90.5% -lh5- fee4 Jun 25  1997 ST-33/snare43
[generic]                 4182    6316  66.2% -lh5- 52d1 Jun 25  1997 ST-33/snare44
[generic]                 4479    5247  85.4% -lh5- 1f92 Jun 25  1997 ST-33/snare45
[generic]                 4479    5506  81.3% -lh5- 0725 Jun 25  1997 ST-33/stoehn6
[generic]                26576   35989  73.8% -lh5- 4260 Jun 25  1997 ST-33/street
[generic]                 2495    3231  77.2% -lh5- 6892 Jun 25  1997 ST-33/synthtom1
[generic]                 4582    5462  83.9% -lh5- 4cbe Jun 25  1997 ST-33/synthtom2
[generic]                 7649    8985  85.1% -lh5- 731b Jun 25  1997 ST-33/telephone2
[generic]                 6300    8312  75.8% -lh5- 1a36 Jun 25  1997 ST-33/tron
[generic]                 8403   10592  79.3% -lh5- fb0c Jun 25  1997 ST-33/trumpets2
[generic]                 5902    8877  66.5% -lh5- c637 Jun 25  1997 ST-33/tuut
[generic]                10526   14199  74.1% -lh5- c52c Jun 25  1997 ST-33/vader1
[generic]                21615   25097  86.1% -lh5- 688b Jun 25  1997 ST-33/Vader2
[generic]                22070   25476  86.6% -lh5- 7c36 Jun 25  1997 ST-33/vader3
[generic]                12837   14551  88.2% -lh5- 92cd Jun 25  1997 ST-33/vader4
[generic]                 6759    8381  80.6% -lh5- 61b7 Jun 25  1997 ST-33/violins
[generic]                13283   16418  80.9% -lh5- 5277 Jun 25  1997 ST-33/wasdabei
[generic]                10517   15257  68.9% -lh5- cad0 Jun 25  1997 ST-33/wassolldas
[generic]                 8562   10825  79.1% -lh5- d73f Jun 25  1997 ST-33/zahnzufuehlen
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        57 files  595846  809484  73.6%            Jul 11  1997
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