84782 packages online
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Many of these samples originate from the collection of Tony Horgan from
CU Amiga. Thanks to him!
============================= Archive contents =============================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
48294 43541 9.8% 08-Sep-95 10:12:16 +DeepString1Iff
46196 40851 11.5% 08-Sep-95 10:13:46 +DeepString2Iff
19938 18307 8.1% 08-Sep-95 10:14:02 +DeepString3Iff
8482 4830 43.0% 09-May-96 23:08:06 +Newstrin
24302 20708 14.7% 02-Apr-80 11:29:30 +NiceStrings2
8448 8139 3.6% 09-May-96 23:08:08 +Outlaw
7748 5001 35.4% 09-May-96 23:08:10 +Realkoto
5752 4651 19.1% 13-Dec-80 09:19:46 +ShortStrings
8948 7757 13.3% 09-May-96 23:08:18 +Strings1
9748 8566 12.1% 09-May-96 23:08:18 +Strings2
8548 7980 6.6% 09-May-96 23:08:18 +Strings3
9748 8551 12.2% 09-May-96 23:08:18 +Strings4
9948 9653 2.9% 09-May-96 23:08:18 +Strings5
9948 9218 7.3% 09-May-96 23:08:18 +Strings6
9948 7572 23.8% 09-May-96 23:08:20 +Strings7
7471 6276 15.9% 09-May-96 23:08:20 +Strings8
7348 6834 6.9% 09-May-96 23:08:20 +Sweep
14462 12102 16.3% 15-Dec-80 11:21:08 +WabberStringsV
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
265277 230537 13.0% 10-May-96 02:27:42 18 files
Contents of mods/inst/Strings.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 43541 48294 90.2% -lh5- 9ebb Sep 8 1995 Strings/DeepString1Iff
[generic] 40851 46196 88.4% -lh5- 0926 Sep 8 1995 Strings/DeepString2Iff
[generic] 18307 19938 91.8% -lh5- c502 Sep 8 1995 Strings/DeepString3Iff
[generic] 4830 8482 56.9% -lh5- b205 May 9 1996 Strings/Newstrin
[generic] 20708 24302 85.2% -lh5- 780b Apr 2 1980 Strings/NiceStrings2
[generic] 8139 8448 96.3% -lh5- 9885 May 9 1996 Strings/Outlaw
[generic] 5001 7748 64.5% -lh5- 83a0 May 9 1996 Strings/Realkoto
[generic] 4651 5752 80.9% -lh5- 7ff1 Dec 13 1980 Strings/ShortStrings
[generic] 7757 8948 86.7% -lh5- f280 May 9 1996 Strings/Strings1
[generic] 8566 9748 87.9% -lh5- e2ed May 9 1996 Strings/Strings2
[generic] 7980 8548 93.4% -lh5- c68b May 9 1996 Strings/Strings3
[generic] 8551 9748 87.7% -lh5- e9f1 May 9 1996 Strings/Strings4
[generic] 9653 9948 97.0% -lh5- 9309 May 9 1996 Strings/Strings5
[generic] 9218 9948 92.7% -lh5- a099 May 9 1996 Strings/Strings6
[generic] 7572 9948 76.1% -lh5- a07c May 9 1996 Strings/Strings7
[generic] 6276 7471 84.0% -lh5- 6650 May 9 1996 Strings/Strings8
[generic] 6834 7348 93.0% -lh5- 9afc May 9 1996 Strings/Sweep
[generic] 12102 14462 83.7% -lh5- d090 Dec 15 1980 Strings/WabberStringsV
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 18 files 230537 265277 86.9% Mar 2 1996
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