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Short:Satellite Finder for TV
Author:David Haigh
Uploader:dave haigh1 demon co uk
Download:misc/sci/satelit12.lha - View contents

Description:- This piece of software will determine for the the user the positioning
of a satellite dish to pick up the most common TV satellites in the clarke belt.
These include Astra(SKY), Thor, Intelsat and Eutelsat. This program is of most use
to someone who either does not have a current satellite tv system installed and would
like to install their own, or someone who would like to install a motorised dish so
as to pick up the many varied programs and satellites in orbit around us.
	Certain programs may require extra decoders the most common being D2MAC. These
are available from a wide variety of sources as well s decoder cards for the same. Many
channels are in the clear and so an old SKY satellite system will suffice with really
a minimum 80cm dish here in the UK.
	The software requires you to know the latitude and longitude of your home. If
you live in the UK then you have it lucky as I have installed a selection of major cities 
on the pull down menu. Simply select the city nearest to your latitude and longitude, or
type in your latitude and longitude into the boxes. Next click on the scroll bar to select
which satellite you wish to view. Then click on run. You will then get two results from 
the program. The azimuth or the bearing from south (a +ve figure means degrees to the east,
a -ve figure means degrees to the west) and an elevation angle for the dish figure. 
Simply set your dish up using these figures and you should hit the satellite first time.
	This software is still in its infancy but should give you a taste of what is
to come.

To do:-
1	Incorporate a map to select your home site on.
2	fully debug the program and tidy the interface
3	Incorporate a save feature
4	Add more satellites
5	Add major world cities to menu


	Oh dear the boring bit. Well this program is cardware that means I require no payment
if this program is used soley for personal private use only. All I require is a letter saying
what you thought of the program and your geographical location (to see how far round the world
this program gets). You could if you prefer send me an EMail to:-

Surface mail to:-

D. Haigh Automotive Solutions
14 St Hildas View
M34 5JJ

	You may distribute this program to anyone you meet as much as you like. But you may
not charge for this software above the cost of reasonable duplication and mailing i.e.
not more than £2 UK sterling. You may not put this on a cover disk of a magazine 
without first contacting me and asking for PRIOR permission. You may not distribute
this software with a software bundle without first contacting me. The only software
collection that may place this software on its CD's is Aminet. This software is still in
it's beta raw stage and I cannot be held responsible for any errors or ommisions to the
software or any damage or losses incurred whilst using this software. I cannot be
held responsible for any loss of data or accountable for the softwares suitability
for any purpose. In other words you use this software entirely at YOUR OWN RISK.

	If this program is used by a company then I will require payment for its use 
current rates are available at the above addresses.

	You may not dissassemble this software or alter it in any way. But if you ask me
nicely I may release the source to you. You must also only distribute the full archive contents
which inlude:-
1 Satellite.txt - this file
2 Satsearch - the executeable

Contents of misc/sci/satelit12.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                 1770    3677  48.1% -lh5- da93 Aug  1  1997 satelite.txt
[generic]                21252   39248  54.1% -lh5- 4ee4 Aug  1  1997 SatSearch
[generic]                  256     383  66.8% -lh5- a211 Jul 24  1997
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total         3 files   23278   43308  53.7%            Aug  8  1997
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