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misc/sci/multiplot.lzh |
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This is the 6th version of Multiplot XLN which is the premier
data plotting program for the Commodore Amiga. It is used in
over 30 Universities world wide and Multiplot graphs have been
published in peer reviewed science journals and presented at
international scientific meetings.
Multiplot XLN is a fully intuitive data plotting program. It
plots data points as (x,y) co-ordinates with or without x or y
error bars. It can plot an unlimited number of sets with any
number of data points using colour, line type, line weight,
point shape and point size to represent the different sets. A
set may be joined by a line or plotted as discrete points. Data
may be impulse plotted, scatter plotted, or shown as a
histogram or step graph. Additions to the data may be made in
the form of lines of best fit (logarithmic, exponential, linear
and polynomial) and data smoothing utilising modified open
b-splines or averaging filtration. The input file for Multiplot is
a simple textfile and my be created in any ASCII text editor or
saved from any spreadsheet. Multiplot supports the clipboard,
and data input may be achieved solely through it. Multiplot has
a full ARexx interface which provides potential for a wide
variety of data manipulations including statistical analysis.
Output may be in any of the following formats: IntroCAD,
Draw, mCAD, IFF, Revised Hewlett-Packard Graphics Language
(HPGL/2), Encapsulated Postscript (EPSF) or Postscript. The
graph can be printed to any workbench printer by transparent
use of the PLT: device. Multiplot directly supports the HP
LaserJet III and Postscript laser printers such as the Apple
Laser printer.
NOTE: Multiplot is now WB2.1 compatible.
New Feature: Multiple windows supported.
New Feature: Multiple Y axes supported.
New Feature: Zounds! user interface added.
New Feature: Support for asymmetrical errors in X added.
New Feature: Data file contains more formatting information
New Feature: Save/Load default settings and axes added.
New Feature: Improved PLT: support with pen colours and
thicknesses settable.
New Feature: Colour print preview.
New Feature: Grid line types and colours user definable.
New Feature: Auto alignment available.
New Feature: Text font and size user definable.
Contents of misc/sci/multiplot.lzh
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 273 628 43.5% -lh1- f774 Jul 17 1993 multiplot/data.info
[generic] 275 628 43.8% -lh1- 9ade Jul 17 1993 multiplot/Docs.info
[generic] 9491 16912 56.1% -lh1- 21bc Jul 17 1993 multiplot/MuchMore
[generic] 115440 240012 48.1% -lh1- 301a Jul 17 1993 multiplot/MultiPlot
[generic] 486 1207 40.3% -lh1- 1727 Jul 17 1993 multiplot/MultiPlot.info
[generic] 275 628 43.8% -lh1- d897 Jul 17 1993 multiplot/Plt.info
[generic] 2295 4488 51.1% -lh1- abc4 Jul 17 1993 multiplot/readme.1st
[generic] 479 2571 18.6% -lh1- 5d20 Jul 17 1993 multiplot/Readme.1st.info
[generic] 275 628 43.8% -lh1- 62e3 Jul 17 1993 multiplot/Rexx.info
[generic] 0 0 ****** -lh0- 0000 Jul 17 1993 multiplot/data/CMIX.PSF
[generic] 255 373 68.4% -lh1- d5eb Jul 17 1993 multiplot/data/deviation.dat
[generic] 55 97 56.7% -lh1- 64c7 Jul 17 1993 multiplot/data/eric.dat
[generic] 128 231 55.4% -lh1- 4b39 Jul 17 1993 multiplot/data/eric.dat.info
[generic] 343 653 52.5% -lh1- 792c Jul 17 1993 multiplot/data/etest.dat
[generic] 90 276 32.6% -lh1- abdf Jul 17 1993 multiplot/data/logtest.dat
[generic] 1229 3054 40.2% -lh1- ecaf Jul 17 1993 multiplot/data/plotme.dat
[generic] 220 477 46.1% -lh1- 131a Jul 17 1993 multiplot/data/plotme.dat.info
[generic] 692 2156 32.1% -lh1- 757f Jul 17 1993 multiplot/data/smiley.dat
[generic] 369 810 45.6% -lh1- cff9 Jul 17 1993 multiplot/data/table.dat
[generic] 3682 8372 44.0% -lh1- 48b0 Jul 17 1993 multiplot/Docs/hpgl2ps.doc
[generic] 7644 25945 29.5% -lh1- ff10 Jul 17 1993 multiplot/Docs/MFF2_format.doc
[generic] 481 2571 18.7% -lh1- bd4d Jul 17 1993 multiplot/Docs/MFF2_format.doc.info
[generic] 9491 16912 56.1% -lh1- 21bc Jul 17 1993 multiplot/Docs/MuchMore
[generic] 35952 93806 38.3% -lh1- bdd5 Jul 17 1993 multiplot/Docs/Multiplot.doc
[generic] 482 2571 18.7% -lh1- 4110 Jul 17 1993 multiplot/Docs/Multiplot.doc.info
[generic] 1411 2914 48.4% -lh1- d6e4 Jul 17 1993 multiplot/Docs/txt_2_icad.doc
[generic] 3283 21924 15.0% -lh1- 15db Jul 17 1993 multiplot/MPlot_support/about.img
[generic] 3725 6822 54.6% -lh1- 0116 Jul 17 1993 multiplot/MPlot_support/ask.znd
[generic] 358 826 43.3% -lh1- cae1 Jul 17 1993 multiplot/MPlot_support/chaos.def
[generic] 2036 2462 82.7% -lh1- 9732 Jul 17 1993 multiplot/MPlot_support/ding.znd
[generic] 22933 48032 47.7% -lh1- 49d1 Jul 17 1993 multiplot/MPlot_support/hpgl2ps
[generic] 422 835 50.5% -lh1- bf3c Jul 17 1993 multiplot/MPlot_support/hpgl2ps.info
[generic] 969 8640 11.2% -lh1- 0e40 Jul 17 1993 multiplot/MPlot_support/intro.scn
[generic] 5571 7376 75.5% -lh1- 306a Jul 17 1993 multiplot/MPlot_support/intro.znd
[generic] 315 647 48.7% -lh1- d207 Jul 17 1993 multiplot/MPlot_support/Linear.def
[generic] 335 699 47.9% -lh1- 3c63 Jul 17 1993 multiplot/MPlot_support/LogLog.def
[generic] 395 900 43.9% -lh1- a048 Jul 17 1993 multiplot/MPlot_support/mplot.def
[generic] 10238 17164 59.6% -lh1- 30cb Jul 17 1993 multiplot/MPlot_support/plot2draw
[generic] 421 835 50.4% -lh1- bbea Jul 17 1993 multiplot/MPlot_support/plot2draw.info
[generic] 6007 9932 60.5% -lh1- 954c Jul 17 1993 multiplot/MPlot_support/plot2mcad
[generic] 4946 7352 67.3% -lh1- 7481 Jul 17 1993 multiplot/MPlot_support/say.znd
[generic] 377 795 47.4% -lh1- f844 Jul 17 1993 multiplot/MPlot_support/SemiLog.def
[generic] 355 863 41.1% -lh1- bf86 Jul 17 1993 multiplot/MPlot_support/StackedY.def
[generic] 8516 14308 59.5% -lh1- 72fb Jul 17 1993 multiplot/MPlot_support/txt_2_icad
[generic] 1583 17368 9.1% -lh1- 5e56 Jul 17 1993 multiplot/MPlot_support/zounds.img
[generic] 1423 4012 35.5% -lh1- ee59 Jul 17 1993 multiplot/Plt/ascii
[generic] 1672 4963 33.7% -lh1- da8c Jul 17 1993 multiplot/Plt/ascii.fnt
[generic] 81 100 81.0% -lh1- 56d9 Jul 17 1993 multiplot/Plt/Assign_PLT_Data
[generic] 404 1857 21.8% -lh1- 97e1 Jul 17 1993 multiplot/Plt/Assign_PLT_Data.info
[generic] 5176 9044 57.2% -lh1- 3d3f Jul 17 1993 multiplot/Plt/cf
[generic] 1428 5745 24.9% -lh1- 3f87 Jul 17 1993 multiplot/Plt/cf.c
[generic] 316 556 56.8% -lh1- 1183 Jul 17 1993 multiplot/Plt/Install_Plt_WB2.0
[generic] 408 1860 21.9% -lh1- 3400 Jul 17 1993 multiplot/Plt/Install_Plt_WB2.0.info
[generic] 334 616 54.2% -lh1- 1e5a Jul 17 1993 multiplot/Plt/Install_Plt_WB2.1
[generic] 405 1860 21.8% -lh1- 985e Jul 17 1993 multiplot/Plt/Install_Plt_WB2.1.info
[generic] 376 722 52.1% -lh1- ca03 Jul 17 1993 multiplot/Plt/Instructions
[generic] 403 1867 21.6% -lh1- d767 Jul 17 1993 multiplot/Plt/Instructions.info
[generic] 2175 6122 35.5% -lh1- 31ce Jul 17 1993 multiplot/Plt/math-greek
[generic] 2469 7428 33.2% -lh1- 4930 Jul 17 1993 multiplot/Plt/math-greek.fnt
[generic] 137 205 66.8% -lh1- 6d03 Jul 17 1993 multiplot/Plt/mountlist.frag
[generic] 129 163 79.1% -lh1- 81dd Jul 17 1993 multiplot/Plt/mountlist2.frag
[generic] 271 481 56.3% -lh1- 1579 Jul 17 1993 multiplot/Plt/mountlist2.frag.info
[generic] 19958 40924 48.8% -lh1- fd68 Jul 17 1993 multiplot/Plt/plt-handler
[generic] 17 17 100.0% -lh0- 0a79 Jul 17 1993 multiplot/Plt/pltfontnames
[generic] 318 980 32.4% -lh1- 5c0a Jul 17 1993 multiplot/Plt/Plt_docs.info
[generic] 3730 6184 60.3% -lh1- e542 Jul 17 1993 multiplot/Plt/xicon
[generic] 260 628 41.4% -lh1- dd53 Jul 17 1993 multiplot/Rexx/Scripts.info
[generic] 4830 14580 33.1% -lh1- d0cb Jul 17 1993 multiplot/Plt/PLT_docs/hpgl_commands
[generic] 483 2571 18.8% -lh1- 12e2 Jul 17 1993 multiplot/Plt/PLT_docs/HPGL_commands.info
[generic] 9491 16912 56.1% -lh1- 21bc Jul 17 1993 multiplot/Plt/PLT_docs/MuchMore
[generic] 5685 14945 38.0% -lh1- 6b09 Jul 17 1993 multiplot/Plt/PLT_docs/PLT.doc
[generic] 482 2571 18.7% -lh1- 303a Jul 17 1993 multiplot/Plt/PLT_docs/PLT.doc.info
[generic] 1136 2119 53.6% -lh1- b676 Jul 17 1993 multiplot/Plt/PLT_docs/RELEASE_NOTES_V1.3B
[generic] 479 2571 18.6% -lh1- 3386 Jul 17 1993 multiplot/Plt/PLT_docs/Release_Notes_V1.3b.info
[generic] 113 127 89.0% -lh1- 9033 Jul 17 1993 multiplot/Plt/PLT_docs/RELEASE_NOTES_V1.3Bextra
[generic] 445 879 50.6% -lh1- 4227 Jul 17 1993 multiplot/Rexx/Scripts/flipset.mpt
[generic] 777 1886 41.2% -lh1- c75e Jul 17 1993 multiplot/Rexx/Scripts/joinsets.mpt
[generic] 595 1126 52.8% -lh1- d152 Jul 17 1993 multiplot/Rexx/Scripts/readtable.mpt
[generic] 638 1427 44.7% -lh1- 040f Jul 17 1993 multiplot/Rexx/Scripts/scaleY.mpt
[generic] 585 1094 53.5% -lh1- 387b Jul 17 1993 multiplot/Rexx/Scripts/shiftY.mpt
[generic] 814 2143 38.0% -lh1- 4dcb Jul 17 1993 multiplot/Rexx/Scripts/sortY.mpt
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 81 files 333041 757985 43.9% Aug 14 1993
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