84782 packages online
misc/sci/Widerstand.lha |
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German version of the "Resistor"-program to decode the color rings at
Usefull for people, who build electronics by themself.
Sourcecode included.
Deutsche Version des Programmes zum Entschlüsseln oder Suchen der Farbcodes
für Widerstände.
Nützlich ist dies programm für Elektronikbastler.
Der Sourcecode liegt vollständig bei.
============================= Archive contents =============================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
606 250 58.7% 14-Nov-99 18:50:18 +libtextfield.a
655 396 39.5% 15-Sep-00 09:11:38 +liesmich.txt
680 212 68.8% 15-Sep-00 11:44:22 +Makefile
52674 5495 89.5% 15-Sep-00 11:56:08 +Widerstand.c
3820 798 79.1% 15-Sep-00 11:56:16 +Widerstand_Main.c
14403 2033 85.8% 15-Sep-00 11:56:22 +Widerstand_temp.c
1636 853 47.8% 15-Sep-00 09:01:34 +src.info
6663 1133 82.9% 14-Sep-00 18:05:30 +Widerstand.h
19790 3587 81.8% 15-Sep-00 11:56:12 +Widerstand_Functions.c
1754 366 79.1% 14-Sep-00 10:58:44 +Widerstand_Includes.h
37500 16534 55.9% 15-Sep-00 12:00:46 +Widerstand
6257 2711 56.6% 15-Sep-00 12:06:02 +Widerstand.guide
2589 523 79.7% 15-Sep-00 08:43:22 +Widerstand.info
1636 867 47.0% 15-Sep-00 10:26:18 Widerstand.info
5110 895 82.4% 11-Sep-00 12:11:06 +About.iff
1636 863 47.2% 15-Sep-00 09:32:42 +classes.info
1636 863 47.2% 15-Sep-00 09:32:50 +gadgets.info
20392 11449 43.8% 16-Aug-00 10:49:40 +Textfield.gadget
2598 536 79.3% 15-Sep-00 08:43:22 +Widerstand.guide.info
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
182035 50364 72.3% 15-Sep-100 12:37:54 19 files
Contents of misc/sci/Widerstand.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 250 606 41.3% -lh5- bb55 Nov 14 1999 widerstand/src/libtextfield.a
[generic] 396 655 60.5% -lh5- 8e1d Sep 15 2000 widerstand/src/liesmich.txt
[generic] 212 680 31.2% -lh5- 456b Sep 15 2000 widerstand/src/Makefile
[generic] 5495 52674 10.4% -lh5- 3642 Sep 15 2000 widerstand/src/Widerstand.c
[generic] 798 3820 20.9% -lh5- b0ee Sep 15 2000 widerstand/src/Widerstand_Main.c
[generic] 2033 14403 14.1% -lh5- 1d10 Sep 15 2000 widerstand/src/Widerstand_temp.c
[generic] 853 1636 52.1% -lh5- e8f4 Sep 15 2000 widerstand/src.info
[generic] 1133 6663 17.0% -lh5- 9ed9 Sep 14 2000 widerstand/src/Widerstand.h
[generic] 3587 19790 18.1% -lh5- f166 Sep 15 2000 widerstand/src/Widerstand_Functions.c
[generic] 366 1754 20.9% -lh5- 532d Sep 14 2000 widerstand/src/Widerstand_Includes.h
[generic] 16534 37500 44.1% -lh5- e87f Sep 15 2000 widerstand/Widerstand
[generic] 2711 6257 43.3% -lh5- e369 Sep 15 2000 widerstand/Widerstand.guide
[generic] 523 2589 20.2% -lh5- 4bd2 Sep 15 2000 widerstand/Widerstand.info
[generic] 867 1636 53.0% -lh5- 1295 Sep 15 2000 Widerstand.info
[generic] 895 5110 17.5% -lh5- 612b Sep 11 2000 widerstand/About.iff
[generic] 863 1636 52.8% -lh5- aad7 Sep 15 2000 widerstand/classes.info
[generic] 863 1636 52.8% -lh5- aad7 Sep 15 2000 widerstand/classes/gadgets.info
[generic] 11449 20392 56.1% -lh5- 3c60 Aug 16 2000 widerstand/classes/gadgets/Textfield.gadget
[generic] 536 2598 20.6% -lh5- 2864 Sep 15 2000 widerstand/Widerstand.guide.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 19 files 50364 182035 27.7% Oct 7 2000
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