If you own a Heath ID-5001 Advanced Weather Computer, you know how useful
it is for monitoring local weather conditions. Now you can make it even
more useful, by connecting it to your Amiga!
WeatherStation is a program that allows the Amiga to interface with an
ID-5001 via its serial port. By connecting a simple serial cable between
the two, you can have access to all of the ID-5001's weather data on your
Besides being able to display all of the ID-5001's current readings, rates
of change, and weather extremes in windows on the Amiga, WeatherStation
also allows the data to be recorded and later played back in a chart
recorder-like graphical format. This capability extends the usefulness of
the ID-5001 by allowing the weather data to be stored and analyzed in more
- Provides access to all ID-5001 data on the Amiga.
Monitor weather readings while word processing or surfing the Web!
- All high and low readings in one window.
See all of the highs and lows at once. Clear them individually, or
all together. Option to automatically clear them all at midnight.
- Audio alert and warning annunciators.
Play an IFF sound whenever an alert or warning condition develops.
- Pictorial weather forecast, based on the current weather data.
Mostly useless, but fun to watch.
- Record weather data for further analysis.
Chart the data later within WeatherStation, or import it into a
spreadsheet for additional processing.
- Display weather data in a chart recorder format.
Graphical display format makes it easy to observe weather trends- watch
the readings change as a front passes! Open multiple chart windows, to
compare recordings.
- Adaptable user interface.
Opens on the Workbench, public screens, or its own custom screen.
Selectable fonts and colors. Compatible with graphics cards.
- Flexible serial support.
Communicates via the standard Amiga serial port, or via add-on serial
- Fully configurable.
Preferences settings allow WeatherStation to be set up the way you like.
Preferences can be saved and loaded.
- Efficient, low-overhead design.
Runs quietly in the background, displaying or recording weather data
without affecting foreground programs. Runs well on low-end systems.
Version 1.1:
This is version 1.10 of WeatherStation, an upgrade to version 1.00. It
fixes a few bugs, and adds a number of new features:
- ARexx port.
Access the current weather readings from other programs. Example
scripts are provided, including one to generate HTML weather pages.
- Supports icons for weather data files.
Generates icons when a file is written; double-clicking the icon will
load the file and display it.
- Supports auto-recording of weather data files.
Put WeatherStation in your WBStartup drawer, and it will begin
recording weather data when you start your Amiga.
WeatherStation is obviously intended for use with an ID-5001. It will run
without one, however, for evaluation purposes, or to examine logged data
recorded by a different Amiga. A sample weather data file is included.
WeatherStation runs under AmigaOS 2.04 and above. It requires
reqtools.library and textfield.gadget, both included.
Mike Steed