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Short:Protein secondary structure prediction
Author: pedretti at (Alessandro Pedretti)
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Download:misc/sci/Predator.lha - View contents

 This is the AmigaDOS porting of the program called  PREDATOR  developed  by
Dmitrij  Frishman  &  Patrick  Argos for UNIX, MS-DOS and MacOS systems.
 The archive include executables (optimized for  68000,  68020,  68020/68881
and 68040 systems), all C sources, and a mini interface for Workbench users.

 - AmigaDOS 2.04 or better.
 - CPU 68000 or better.
 - FPU not required but strongly raccomanded.
 - About 2 Mb of RAM (but this is in function of database dimensions used
   in the secondary structure prediction).
 - At least the release 41 of ixemul.library (included the 68000 version).
 - At least the release 37 of reqtools.library (included).
 - About 1 Mb of free disk space (with sources).

============================= Archive contents =============================

Original  Packed Ratio    Date     Time    Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------  -------------
     628     270 57.0% 28-Aug-96 12:45:32
    2848    1611 43.4% 29-Aug-96 11:58:04 +AmiPred
     934     444 52.4% 28-Aug-96 12:45:32
     628     271 56.8% 28-Aug-96 12:45:32
    5205    2214 57.4% 10-May-96 14:24:08 +3fis.seq
     684     338 50.5% 27-Aug-96 16:28:38 +Run_Exmp_1
    1084     354 67.3% 26-Aug-96 12:39:20
     687     340 50.5% 27-Aug-96 16:28:50 +Run_Exmp_2
    1084     356 67.1% 26-Aug-96 12:39:20
     690     342 50.4% 27-Aug-96 16:28:58 +Run_Exmp_3
    1084     357 67.0% 26-Aug-96 12:39:20
     628     267 57.4% 28-Aug-96 12:45:32
  438083  124901 71.4% 10-May-96 14:24:12 +dssp.dat
   67124   34572 48.4% 27-Aug-96 16:25:42 +Predator_000
   61936   32932 46.8% 27-Aug-96 16:30:00 +Predator_020
   48664   27674 43.1% 27-Aug-96 14:25:34 +Predator_020881
   48816   27749 43.1% 27-Aug-96 16:34:26 +Predator_040
  436419  124760 71.4% 10-May-96 14:24:14 +stride.dat
    2676     848 68.3% 30-Aug-96 09:59:06 +Install
     710     364 48.7% 28-Aug-96 12:45:32
    1845     890 51.7% 26-Mar-96 03:18:12 +Important_ixemul.readme
  139920   71351 49.0% 30-Mar-96 22:33:30 +ixemul.library
   45156   29763 34.0% 12-May-96 17:47:04 +reqtools.library
   28195   10079 64.2% 31-Aug-96 10:30:30
    1446     770 46.7% 28-Aug-96 12:45:32
     628     271 56.8% 28-Aug-96 12:45:32
     434     251 42.1% 27-Aug-96 16:20:38 +Makefile_000
     425     250 41.1% 27-Aug-96 16:20:46 +Makefile_020
     438     258 41.0% 27-Aug-96 14:21:28 +Makefile_020881
     421     247 41.3% 27-Aug-96 16:20:58 +Makefile_040
    8316    2811 66.1% 03-Aug-96 12:36:10 +prd.c
    2504     963 61.5% 10-May-96 14:24:08 +prd.h
   26454    8288 68.6% 10-May-96 14:24:08 +prdfali.c
    4959    1672 66.2% 10-May-96 14:24:08 +prdglali.c
    3723     965 74.0% 10-May-96 14:24:08 +prdmem.c
    1482     572 61.4% 10-May-96 14:24:08 +prdmisc.c
   17670    4789 72.8% 10-May-96 14:24:08 +prdmul.c
    4438    1264 71.5% 10-May-96 14:24:08 +prdout.c
   17993    4594 74.4% 10-May-96 14:24:08 +prdpred.c
    5961    1689 71.6% 10-May-96 14:24:08 +prdprot.h
   16934    4362 74.2% 10-May-96 14:24:08 +prdread.c
    2441     663 72.8% 10-May-96 14:24:08 +prdseq.c
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
 1452395  527726 63.6% 31-Aug-96 10:35:54   42 files

Contents of misc/sci/Predator.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                  270     628  43.0% -lh5- 4d66 Aug 28  1996
[generic]                 1613    2848  56.6% -lh5- 3ce2 Sep  1  1996 Predator/AmiPred
[generic]                  444     934  47.5% -lh5- cf97 Aug 28  1996 Predator/
[generic]                  271     628  43.2% -lh5- 62c2 Aug 28  1996 Predator/
[generic]                 2214    5205  42.5% -lh5- f86b May 10  1996 Predator/Example/3fis.seq
[generic]                  338     684  49.4% -lh5- cf31 Aug 27  1996 Predator/Example/Run_Exmp_1
[generic]                  354    1084  32.7% -lh5- a1d5 Aug 26  1996 Predator/Example/
[generic]                  340     687  49.5% -lh5- 734d Aug 27  1996 Predator/Example/Run_Exmp_2
[generic]                  356    1084  32.8% -lh5- bfe7 Aug 26  1996 Predator/Example/
[generic]                  342     690  49.6% -lh5- 0d9a Aug 27  1996 Predator/Example/Run_Exmp_3
[generic]                  357    1084  32.9% -lh5- b0ec Aug 26  1996 Predator/Example/
[generic]                  267     628  42.5% -lh5- 15fb Aug 28  1996 Predator/
[generic]               124901  438083  28.5% -lh5- d96c May 10  1996 Predator/Exe/dssp.dat
[generic]                34572   67124  51.5% -lh5- 016f Aug 27  1996 Predator/Exe/Predator_000
[generic]                32932   61936  53.2% -lh5- d29a Aug 27  1996 Predator/Exe/Predator_020
[generic]                27674   48664  56.9% -lh5- 5bd8 Aug 27  1996 Predator/Exe/Predator_020881
[generic]                27749   48816  56.8% -lh5- 3c79 Aug 27  1996 Predator/Exe/Predator_040
[generic]               124760  436419  28.6% -lh5- 229a May 10  1996 Predator/Exe/stride.dat
[generic]                  848    2676  31.7% -lh5- 7ea8 Aug 30  1996 Predator/Install
[generic]                  364     710  51.3% -lh5- 9a99 Aug 28  1996 Predator/
[generic]                  890    1845  48.2% -lh5- 2ab8 Mar 26  1996 Predator/Libs/Important_ixemul.readme
[generic]                71351  139920  51.0% -lh5- 6363 Mar 30  1996 Predator/Libs/ixemul.library
[generic]                29763   45156  65.9% -lh5- 4a4c May 12  1996 Predator/Libs/reqtools.library
[generic]                10079   28195  35.7% -lh5- 8ca6 Aug 31  1996 Predator/
[generic]                  770    1446  53.3% -lh5- 9de9 Aug 28  1996 Predator/
[generic]                  271     628  43.2% -lh5- 07bb Aug 28  1996 Predator/
[generic]                  251     434  57.8% -lh5- 63cc Aug 27  1996 Predator/Src/Makefile_000
[generic]                  250     425  58.8% -lh5- 4dd1 Aug 27  1996 Predator/Src/Makefile_020
[generic]                  258     438  58.9% -lh5- 6cc9 Aug 27  1996 Predator/Src/Makefile_020881
[generic]                  247     421  58.7% -lh5- fd25 Aug 27  1996 Predator/Src/Makefile_040
[generic]                 2811    8316  33.8% -lh5- 8fe7 Aug  3  1996 Predator/Src/prd.c
[generic]                  963    2504  38.5% -lh5- 5841 May 10  1996 Predator/Src/prd.h
[generic]                 8288   26454  31.3% -lh5- 6594 May 10  1996 Predator/Src/prdfali.c
[generic]                 1672    4959  33.7% -lh5- 78b0 May 10  1996 Predator/Src/prdglali.c
[generic]                  965    3723  25.9% -lh5- 3c6b May 10  1996 Predator/Src/prdmem.c
[generic]                  572    1482  38.6% -lh5- 0988 May 10  1996 Predator/Src/prdmisc.c
[generic]                 4789   17670  27.1% -lh5- 5711 May 10  1996 Predator/Src/prdmul.c
[generic]                 1264    4438  28.5% -lh5- 1e20 May 10  1996 Predator/Src/prdout.c
[generic]                 4594   17993  25.5% -lh5- 241b May 10  1996 Predator/Src/prdpred.c
[generic]                 1689    5961  28.3% -lh5- 61db May 10  1996 Predator/Src/prdprot.h
[generic]                 4362   16934  25.8% -lh5- 17fe May 10  1996 Predator/Src/prdread.c
[generic]                  663    2441  27.2% -lh5- 7e06 May 10  1996 Predator/Src/prdseq.c
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        42 files  527728 1452395  36.3%            Sep  3  1996
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