IDEA TEAM - Science & Tech Collection
This program browses PROSITE.doc database, a full featured
protein sites and patterns database.
Very useful for university students. Very simple to use GUI
and fast browsing of protein families tips.
Need OS 3.x and PROSITE.DOC database, all three
available on AMINET.
Need at least MUI 3.x, now it is available MUI 3.8
Download misc/sci/prosite.lha
Version 1.00
o First AMINET release.
Version 1.01
o Data files (prosite.doc & PSB.idx) moved to "PSB:data/".
o Wait window during startup.
o Iconify menu option.
o Now PSB can start iconified if required, just select this option
with MUI preference program or use icon tooltype or shell parameter.
Version 1.02
o Fixed bug in the refreshing of main PSB window. Window looked corrupted if
there were an ASL requester and MUI was set for "simple refresh".
o Now user can select interface font just setting "button font" in MUI prefs.
o Added 26 new ARexx commands, now PSB can work as a powerful database
for getting informations; just start it iconified and use ARexx.
Version 1.03
o Fixed little missing with printer device. PSB used to freeze GUI for 30 secs
if printer was not on line. Now PSB checks if parallel or serial printer
is on line before sending printing request.
Version 1.04
o Fixed little bug with serial printer check.
o Some internal data change for future implementations.
Version 1.05
o Added MUI prefs menu to configure user interface.
o Fixed ARexx PRINT command, now RC returns WARN (RC=5) if printer is
off-line or there are memory or device problems.
o During printing PSB does not freeze GUI anymore.
Version 1.06
o Fixed installer script, it crashed if assign was yet present, now it
simply updates program and data using the assigned drawer.
o Fixed a little bug on waiting window, during first time index creation.
Version 1.07
o Now loading and saving to PROGDIR, no assign needed. (Albert-Jan Brouwer)
o Removed a stupid bug on memory allocation. (Michael Currie)
Version 1.08
o Removed a nasty bug on search pattern routine that caused a deadlock
if pattern was not found in prosite document.
Version 1.09
o Added automatic detection for local/global search and added automatic
highlighting of text patterns found. (Amedeo Petrella)
Version 1.10
o Internal minor changes. Recompiled with latest version of SAS-C.
o New naming style for distribution: now PSB_xyy.lha, xyy=version-revision.
Version 1.11
o Full localization completed.
Author: Stefano P.R. Peruzzi
University of Padua - ITALY
Many thanx to all of you for your feedback, bug-reporting and suggestions.
In particular to Urban Muller that I've met 2 days ago at Ipisa'97 in Milan,
and to "Amiga Translators' Organization" (A.T.O.) also attending Ipisa'97.
Straight after A.T.O. speech (2 days after) I started and completed the
full localization of PSB.
Author: Stefano P.R. Peruzzi
University of Padua - ITALY