84782 packages online
misc/sci/Electrics_1_0.lha |
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Electrics Digital Designer is used for the design and testing of digital
circuits. Electrics consists of the following three modules:
Schematic module - Drawing the design.
Simulator module - Simulating the design.
Viewer module - Viewing simulation results.
Noteworthy features
- Wide variety of schematic symbols, including Delay lines and
Tristate/Open collector drivers.
- Multiple signal levels and drive strengths for more realistic
circuit behavior.
- Very long simulation waveform trace history.
- Over 65000 traceable signals.
============================= Archive contents =============================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
1004 466 53.5% 09-Sep-95 14:58:04 Disk.info
47652 25082 47.3% 17-Oct-95 14:38:22 Schematic
922 311 66.2% 09-Sep-95 14:57:58 Schematic.info
22908 11942 47.8% 17-Oct-95 14:38:20 Simulator
918 326 64.4% 09-Sep-95 14:57:58 Simulator.info
28156 15953 43.3% 17-Oct-95 14:38:20 Viewer
918 308 66.4% 09-Sep-95 14:57:58 Viewer.info
37118 10781 70.9% 17-Oct-95 14:38:22 Electrics.Guide
936 285 69.5% 09-Sep-95 14:57:58 Electrics.Guide.info
1536 721 53.0% 17-Oct-95 14:38:22 readme.doc
501 264 47.3% 09-Sep-95 14:57:58 Readme.doc.info
628 271 56.8% 09-Sep-95 22:48:44 Examples.info
628 256 59.2% 10-Sep-95 14:23:02 Examples/2PinGates.info
350 154 56.0% 09-Sep-95 15:25:26 Examples/2PinGates/2PinGates.net
1041 476 54.2% 09-Sep-95 16:17:20 Examples/2PinGates/2PinGates.sch
1070 248 76.8% 09-Sep-95 16:45:40 Examples/2PinGates/2PinGates.script
628 258 58.9% 10-Sep-95 14:23:02 Examples/4BitCounter.info
494 231 53.2% 09-Sep-95 21:40:22 Examples/4BitCounter/4BitCounter.net
2636 1123 57.3% 09-Sep-95 21:39:14 Examples/4BitCounter/4BitCounter.sch
518 249 51.9% 09-Sep-95 21:36:34 Examples/4BitCounter/4BitCounter.script
628 261 58.4% 10-Sep-95 14:23:02 Examples/BusDrivers.info
377 185 50.9% 09-Sep-95 22:32:44 Examples/BusDrivers/BusDrivers.net
1488 692 53.4% 09-Sep-95 22:32:40 Examples/BusDrivers/BusDrivers.sch
819 284 65.3% 09-Sep-95 22:20:48 Examples/BusDrivers/BusDrivers.script
628 263 58.1% 10-Sep-95 14:23:02 Examples/MemoryControl.info
691 309 55.2% 10-Sep-95 19:45:22 Examples/MemoryControl/MemoryControl.net
2781 1187 57.3% 10-Sep-95 19:45:14 Examples/MemoryControl/MemoryControl.sch
1424 407 71.4% 10-Sep-95 17:05:24 Examples/MemoryControl/MemoryControl.script
42476 27838 34.4% 01-May-94 14:34:44 libs/reqtools.library
2697 755 72.0% 09-Sep-95 11:42:22 install
790 419 46.9% 09-Sep-95 14:57:58 Install.info
115144 60009 47.8% 12-Jan-93 15:50:22 Installer
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
320505 162314 49.3% 17-Oct-95 14:39:16 32 files
Contents of misc/sci/Electrics_1_0.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 466 1004 46.4% -lh5- fb3e Sep 9 1995 Disk.info
[generic] 25082 47652 52.6% -lh5- 772d Oct 17 1995 Schematic
[generic] 311 922 33.7% -lh5- e3af Sep 9 1995 Schematic.info
[generic] 11942 22908 52.1% -lh5- 6d18 Oct 17 1995 Simulator
[generic] 326 918 35.5% -lh5- c995 Sep 9 1995 Simulator.info
[generic] 15953 28156 56.7% -lh5- 37b9 Oct 17 1995 Viewer
[generic] 308 918 33.6% -lh5- c6ce Sep 9 1995 Viewer.info
[generic] 10781 37118 29.0% -lh5- a07d Oct 17 1995 Electrics.Guide
[generic] 285 936 30.4% -lh5- f8b6 Sep 9 1995 Electrics.Guide.info
[generic] 721 1536 46.9% -lh5- bb77 Oct 17 1995 readme.doc
[generic] 264 501 52.7% -lh5- 9c3c Sep 9 1995 Readme.doc.info
[generic] 271 628 43.2% -lh5- 5852 Sep 9 1995 Examples.info
[generic] 256 628 40.8% -lh5- 5878 Sep 10 1995 Examples/2PinGates.info
[generic] 154 350 44.0% -lh5- 82bb Sep 9 1995 Examples/2PinGates/2PinGates.net
[generic] 476 1041 45.7% -lh5- 3828 Sep 9 1995 Examples/2PinGates/2PinGates.sch
[generic] 248 1070 23.2% -lh5- 9b64 Sep 9 1995 Examples/2PinGates/2PinGates.script
[generic] 258 628 41.1% -lh5- e695 Sep 10 1995 Examples/4BitCounter.info
[generic] 231 494 46.8% -lh5- b78e Sep 9 1995 Examples/4BitCounter/4BitCounter.net
[generic] 1123 2636 42.6% -lh5- 255b Sep 9 1995 Examples/4BitCounter/4BitCounter.sch
[generic] 249 518 48.1% -lh5- 8855 Sep 9 1995 Examples/4BitCounter/4BitCounter.script
[generic] 261 628 41.6% -lh5- 16a1 Sep 10 1995 Examples/BusDrivers.info
[generic] 185 377 49.1% -lh5- 331a Sep 9 1995 Examples/BusDrivers/BusDrivers.net
[generic] 692 1488 46.5% -lh5- 4094 Sep 9 1995 Examples/BusDrivers/BusDrivers.sch
[generic] 284 819 34.7% -lh5- 5e0d Sep 9 1995 Examples/BusDrivers/BusDrivers.script
[generic] 263 628 41.9% -lh5- 0feb Sep 10 1995 Examples/MemoryControl.info
[generic] 309 691 44.7% -lh5- 03ae Sep 10 1995 Examples/MemoryControl/MemoryControl.net
[generic] 1187 2781 42.7% -lh5- 042e Sep 10 1995 Examples/MemoryControl/MemoryControl.sch
[generic] 407 1424 28.6% -lh5- 9122 Sep 10 1995 Examples/MemoryControl/MemoryControl.script
[generic] 27838 42476 65.5% -lh5- d1eb May 1 1994 libs/reqtools.library
[generic] 755 2697 28.0% -lh5- ab39 Sep 9 1995 install
[generic] 419 790 53.0% -lh5- 6c49 Sep 9 1995 Install.info
[generic] 60009 115144 52.1% -lh5- b538 Jan 12 1993 Installer
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 32 files 162314 320505 50.6% Nov 18 1995
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