Welcome to Hu-Go! - MorphOS v1.6b
Hu-Go! emulates the classic Turbografx16/PC Engine game
console. Hu-Go! features good compatibility with many
Hu-Card and CD-Rom based games.
Please read the included "CD-Rom_Guide.txt" for info
on how to play CD-Rom based games and how to launch them
from the quick rom selector.
- Version History -
v1.6b March 21 2020
- Removed black borders around overlay windows
- Fixed partial width games on full screen overlay mode (Galaga '90)
- Compiled on latest SDK with GCC9
-V1.6 May 07 2019
- Fixed overlay modulo width
- V1.5 April 24 2018
- Updated to latest version of my support functions
- Fixed a memory hit when saving a screenshot
- Fixed a memory hit on program exit
- Prefs file format changed
- Reworked video modes to be more compatible with laptops
- Fullscreen overlay mode aspect ratio correction
- Windowed and fullscreen scanline modes aspect ratio corrected
- Centering of video frame when possible
V1.4 Jan 21 2015
- Major reworking of old emulator and gui code
- Better stability
- SaveState manager with preview pics
- Preview pic on main interface
- Input configuration added
- Filter for file list (.pce|.hcd|.iso)
- CD music starts and stops on fade out IO commands
- CD music restored to correct position on loading state
- Updated to latest version of external lib code
- HuCard and CD seperate rom dir selector
- Doubled possible sound volume range
V1.3 July 11 2008
- Clones Ambient resolution in full screen + Overlay
- Audio channels only allocated while emulation is running
- Added compact mode
- Added BG pattern toggle
- Added video sync option
- Cleaner sound channel termination
- Shortened the commodity description line
- Fixed MUI colors to work with most configs
- Added rompath selector
- Made gui resizable and fixed spacing
- Added 1 and 2 player joypad configs
- Added Scanline mode
- Several bugs fixed that were causing lock ups
- A few more premade HCD files added to archive
V1.2 August 29 2005
- Added video overlay support and window play support
- Fixed pce resolution changes and screen offsets
- Added PSG and MP3 volume settings
- Added Savestate function
- Added quick rom selection lister
- Added a few more premade HCD files
(thanks to Oliver Hummel for providing these, there will
be lot's more in the next release after I finish ripping
my entire PCE CD collection) :)
v1.1 August 2 2005
- Fixed psg sound output
v1.0 July 31 2005
- Initial release
Hu-Go! MorphOS port by Kelly Samel, original
Hu-Go! by zeograd/Bero. Hu-Go! MorphOS may
be freely distributed according to the GNU
public license.
Contact: realstar@shaw.ca
Hu-Go! MorphOS site : http://realstar.neocities.org
original Hu-Go! site : http://www.zeograd.com