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Short:Emulator AtariST
Author:Hatari team
Uploader:mmartinka volny cz (Miloslav Martinka)
Download:misc/emu/hatari-1.4.0-aros.lha - View contents

In this version still doesn't work key F11 and F12.
And is a small problem with browse outside your the Home folder.

          Compiling for AROS, Miloslav Martinka.

Hatari is an Atari ST, STE, TT and Falcon emulator for Linux, FreeBSD, BeOS and other Systems which are supported by the SDL library. The emulator is open source software and is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL).

The Atari ST was a 16/32 bit computer system which was first released by Atari in 1985. Using the Motorola 68000 CPU, it was a very popular computer having quite a lot of CPU power at that time. See Appendix B for details on emulation in general.

Unlike many other Atari ST emulators which try to give you a good environment for running GEM applications, Hatari tries to emulate the hardware of a ST as close as possible so that it is able to run most of the old ST games and demos. Of course you can run normal GEM applications with Hatari, too. Recent versions of Hatari even feature basic STE, TT and Falcon emulation.

    * 68000 - 68040 emulation via the UAE CPU core (no PMMU support though)
    * ST RAM size variable (from 512kiB up to 14MiB are possible)
    * optional cartridge images for the ST ROM port
    * most of the ST specific hardware
    * ST Shifter with ST-High, ST-Medium and ST-Low resolutions, overscan effects for all borders in color resolutions
    * 512 color ST palette
    * many raster effects
    * scaling of low resolutions by factor two
    * interleaved lines rendering of ST-medium and (scaled) ST-low resolutions for the TV "monitor type"
    * Blitter chip emulation
    * PSG YM2149 emulation (soundchip) including STFM samples
    * Printer port emulation on hardware level (print to file)
    * RS232 emulation
    * MIDI input/output/through emulation
    * Mega ST real time clock
    * IKBD emulation (keyboard, mouse and joystick) with custom keyboard mapping
    * joystick emulation via cursor keys and joystick emulation via a connected PC joystick
    * FDC emulation using floppy disk images in standard formats (*.ST, *.MSA and *.DIM)
    * support for packed disk images (PkZip and Gzip)
    * optional write-protection for floppy disk images
    * partial ACSI emulation for harddisk support
    * GEMDOS interface driver to mount directories as harddrives with optional write-protection
    * support for memory snapshots (save whole system state)
    * driver for extended VDI resolutions
    * recording of sound as .WAV and .YM files
    * screenshots in PNG or BMP format
    * AVI animation capturing with sound
    * TOS versions 1.00, 1.02, 1.04 and 2.06 (and EmuTOS) can be used in ST mode.

STE hardware emulation
There is support for following additional STE features:

    * horizontal and vertical hardware fine scrolling
    * split screen techniques / in-screen video address manipulations
    * (STE specific) left border opening
    * 4096 colors STE palette
    * Stereo DMA sample sound
    * Experimental Microwire/LMC1992 emulation
    * STE joypads
    * TOS versions 1.06, 1.62, 2.05 and 2.06 (and EmuTOS) can be used in STE mode.

Experimental TT hardware emulation
There is support for following additional TT features:

    * TT low/med/high resolution support
    * ST/TT palette switching and video shifter
    * RAM upto 14MiB (ST-RAM only, there is no support for TT-RAM yet)
    * Only TOS version 3.06 (and EmuTOS) can be used in TT mode.

Falcon hardware emulation
There is support for following additional Falcon features:

    * Partial Videl emulation for all Falcon screen modes
    * Aspect correction and scaling of small resolutions by an integer factor
    * STE/Falcon palette switching and shifter
    * Mono/RGB/VGA/TV monitor types
    * DSP co-processor emulation
    * Experimental microphone (jack) emulation
    * Experimental Crossbar sound matrix (ADC (mic & PSG), DAC, DMA, DSP) interconnect emulation + support for the additional DMA sound sample rates
    * Experimental IDE master and slave emulation for harddisk support
    * TOS versions 4.00, 4.02, 4.04 and 4.92 (and EmuTOS) can be used in Falcon mode.

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Contents of misc/emu/hatari-1.4.0-aros.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
-rwx------ 65534/65534    7312    7562  96.7% -lh5- a3df Jun 24 02:54
drwx------ 65534/65534       0       0 ****** -lhd- 0000 Nov 25 12:52 hatari-1.4.0/
drwx------ 65534/65534       0       0 ****** -lhd- 0000 Nov 24 09:52 hatari-1.4.0/.hatari/
-rwx------ 65534/65534    1170    3735  31.3% -lh5- 167c Nov 25 12:54 hatari-1.4.0/.hatari/hatari.cfg
-rwx------ 65534/65534      27      50  54.0% -lh5- 5e28 Nov 25 12:58 hatari-1.4.0/.hatari/hatari.nvram
-rwx------ 65534/65534  154410  159002  97.1% -lh5- 8671 Nov 24 09:52 hatari-1.4.0/.hatari/hatari.sav
drwx------ 65534/65534       0       0 ****** -lhd- 0000 Nov 25 11:47 hatari-1.4.0/Disk_image/
-rwx------ 65534/65534    8120    8120 100.0% -lh0- 4532 Nov 24 08:01 hatari-1.4.0/
-rwx------ 65534/65534    7007   17987  39.0% -lh5- 6294 Jun 12 05:04 hatari-1.4.0/gpl.txt
-rwx------ 65534/65534  866366 2899116  29.9% -lh5- acac Nov 24 10:55 hatari-1.4.0/hatari
-rwx------ 65534/65534    3727   17143  21.7% -lh5- 6780 Nov 24 07:57 hatari-1.4.0/
-rwx------ 65534/65534    2246    4780  47.0% -lh5- 9d13 Jun 12 05:04 hatari-1.4.0/readme.txt
-rwx------ 65534/65534 1964432 2006228  97.9% -lh5- 4528 Nov 25 12:22 hatari-1.4.0/source-1.4.0.lha
-rwx------ 65534/65534  173448  524288  33.1% -lh5- 35b8 Sep  4  2009 hatari-1.4.0/tos.img
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        14 files 3188265 5648011  56.4%            Nov 28 17:52
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