Enjoy the best NES-emulator for AmigaOS 4, if you like it please give me a mail and tell me what you think.
Important, don't use previous folder, make a new folder for this version.
Don't know if below is needed with Update #3 of amigaos.
For xadmaster installation, download this file: http://main.aminet.net/util/arc/xadmaster020.lha
install and copy the file in the amiNES-libs folder to LIBS:
Changes in 0.71:
- Tried to fix Amiga-Input
Changes in 0.70:
- Gui beautified ;) (Per)
- Added initial AmigaInput-support (through SDL, don't know if it work yet) (Per)
- Fixed bugs when saving / loading state. (check scanline outside screen frame) (Per)
- Fixed alot of Mapper #4 bugs (see Teenage mutant hero turtles etc) (Per)
- Fixed a bug that caused some games to fail initialisation, such as SMB3, seems
like another 100+ number of games now works fine (Per)
- Added optional colour correction (Per)
- Added optional black & white television emulation. ;) (Per)
- Fixed random crash that was very difficult to track down, but it when closing the application,
the audio interrupt got another call and tried to fill the audiobuffer that was deallocated ie a crash (Per)
- 2X Scanline mode has been fixed (Per)
- Alot of bits and pieces everywhere manipulated (Per)
Changes in 0.65:
- Gui slightly modified (Per)
- Added support for xadmaster.library (ie support for zipped and gzipped files) (Per)
- Added support for gamestates, load and save gamestate instantly. (Per)
- Other things i currently forgot. ;)
F1 - Soft reset
F2 - Hard reset
0-9 - Load gamestates 0 to 9
Shift + 0-9 Save gamestates 0 to 9
Supported mappers: