VICE 2.2a is a fix-up release to replace VICE 2.2
VICE is the Versatile Commodore Emulator, it emulates the Commodore C64,
C128, VIC20, PET, PLUS4 and the CBM-II, as well as the C64 DTV, and it
runs on Win32, Unix, DOS, RiscOS, OS/2, BeOS, QNX, SkyOS, AmigaOS and
GP2X systems.
VICE is *free* software released under the GNU General Public License,
and as such it comes with full source code.
Most important changes since the last version include:
** General
- On autostart, do not change true drive emulation (TDE) anymore by
default. The old behaviour can be switched on again by specifiying
-autostart-handle-tde on the command line.
There is one drawback of this behaviour: If TDE is switched on, an
image attached must fit to the drive type set. For example, when you
attach a .D81, you must have the drive type set to 1581, or the
autostart will fail.
- Added automatic Warp mode during autostart. If this resource is enabled then
VICE automatically enables the warp mode and then loads a file. After
loading the warp mode is disabled again and then the program is started.
- Autostarting a PRG file can now be done in three different ways:
* "Virtual FS": This mode mounts the directory where the file resides as a
virtual filesystem on drive #8 and then loads the PRG via virtual drive
traps. This was the only way of autostarting in previous VICE versions
and is still the default.
* "Inject to RAM": The PRG file is loaded from VICE directly into the RAM of
the emulated machine. Then the memory setup of a Basic LOAD is simulated
and the program is run. This is the fastest mode available but may lack
compatibility as no actual load operation was performed in the emulator.
However, no drive setup is altered during the operation.
* "Diskimage": VICE creates a temporary new disk image and copies the
contents of the PRG file onto it. Then this image is mounted in drive #8
and the program is loaded from there. If TDE is enabled then the load
operation is most compatible. The disk image stays attached until a new
image is mounted.
- Improved PAL emulation is now available for Unix/Xaw XVideo mode, and
AmigaOS. Only the YUV packed modes work, the planar modes still use the
old code paths, though.
- Sound core has been reworked to enable lower latency of operation.
Approximately 50 ms latency values are now routinely reached, and some
people have reported that as low as 30 ms still works for them.
- New SDL port. See ReadmeSDL.txt for details.
- New win64 ports, both amd64/x64 and ia64 are supported (msvc compile only).
- New SDL based armle, mipsle, ppcbe and shle QNX 6.x ports.
- New SDL based M68k and sparc SunOS ports.
- New SDL based Syllable port.
- New SDL based Dingoo port.
- Remote monitor (in other words: TCP/IP interface to VICE monitor) added.
- Fixed non-6502/6510 CPU handling in monitor.
** C64/C128 changes
- ReSID's resampler has been optimized with MMX assembly. Some long-standing
bugs in resample-interpolate mode were also fixed.
- ReSID-FP has been optimized, too. It clocks the analog parts at half the
rate now, which saves CPU during filter emulation especially for 6581 modes.
- Added SFX Sound Sampler and SFX Sound Expander emulation.
- Added EasyFlash cartridge emulation.
- Added paddle emulation.
- Added support for the following userport joystick adapters: CGA/Protovision,
DXS/HIT, PET (normally only used on the PET/CBM2), Hummer (normally only
used on the C64DTV) and OEM (normally only used on the VIC20).
** C128 changes
- Added RAM banks 2 and 3 support.
- Improved the VDC emulation.
- Stereo SID $D7xx range support.
** VIC20 changes
- New cycle exact emulation core. Handles accesses to unconnected
address space and in-line graphics data changes correctly.
(fixes "Impossiblator 3" and others)
- Improved VIC emulation (in-line color/reverse mode changes on half-chars).
- Cartridge handling rewritten.
- Added Mega-Cart cartridge emulation.
- Added Final Expansion cartridge emulation.
- Default memory configuration changed from full to unexpanded.
- Added paddle emulation.
- Corrected the joystick support, since the VIC20 can only have one joystick
attached on the joystick port.
- Added support for the following userport joystick adapters: CGA/Protovision
(normally only used on the C64/C128), PET (normally only used on the
PET/CBM2), Hummer (normally only used on the C64DTV) and OEM.
** PLUS4 changes
- Added Digibooster SID Cart add-on emulation.
- Added SID Cart joystick port emulation.
- Fixed bug in tape recording.
- Improved graphics handling.
** C64DTV changes
- Replaced old DTVSID emulation with ReSID-DTV.
- Minor bug fixes and emulation improvements.
- Added support for the following userport joystick adapters: CGA/Protovision
(normally only used on the C64/C128), PET (normally only used for the PET),
Hummer and OEM (normally only used on the VIC20).
** PET changes
- Corrected the joystick support, since the only way a PET can use a joystick
is by a userport joystick adapter, the following userport joystick adapters
are currently supported: CGA/Protovision (normally only used on the
C64/C128), PET, Hummer (normally only used on the C64DTV) and OEM (normally
only used on the VIC20).
** CBM2 changes
- Corrected the joystick support, since the only way a CBM2 can use a joystick
is by a userport joystick adapter, the following userport joystick adapters
are currently supported: CGA/Protovision (normally only used on the
C64/C128), PET, Hummer (normally only used on the C64DTV) and OEM (normally
only used on the VIC20).
** AmigaOS changes
- New Danish and Turkish translations of the UI elements and
command-line options.
- Added experimental PCI HardSID and Catweasel support.
- Used AROS (x86, ppc, amd64) new lowlevel libraries which should make USB
joysticks and joypads usable.
Signed, Marco van den Heuvel.