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Short: | WHDLoad wrapper to E-UAE (for MOS/OS4) |
Author: | offset cpcscene.com (Philippe Rimauro) |
Uploader: | offset cpcscene com (Philippe Rimauro) |
Type: | misc/emu |
Version: | 1.0 |
Architecture: | m68k-amigaos |
Date: | 2009-12-05 |
Download: | misc/emu/UAELoad.lha - View contents | Readme: | misc/emu/UAELoad.readme |
Downloads: | 2661 |
UAELoad 1.0
WHDLoad wrapper to E-UAE for MorphOS or AmigaOS 4.
First release on 02-Dec-09.
by OffseT of Futurs'
UAELoad is a small wrapper between WHDLoad and E-UAE.
It allows you to directly launch your WHDLoad games or demos from MorphOS or AmigaOS 4 using the excellent iGame front end.
On your computer:
MorphOS or AmigaOS 4
iGame (http://igame.amigahellas.gr)
E-UAE (MorphOS: http://fabportnawak.free.fr/uae, AmigaOS 4:http://www.os4depot.net)
STool (optional, http://aminet.net/package/util/cli/STool15)
AmigaOS 3.x
uae_rcli (part of E-UAE)
WHDLoad (http://www.whdload.de)
Some installed WHDLoad games or demos
Edit the ENV/UAELoad.cfg and set:
uaeexe = <the full path to your E-UAE executable> (mandatory)
uaecfg = <the full path to the E-UAE configuration file you want to use> (mandatory)
uaepri = <the running priority you wish for E-UAE> (optional, priority of the parent process is kept by default)
uaescr = <the name of the screen E-UAE is running on> (optional, only applied if STool is installed, no screen to front management by default)
timeout = <the max time in second your E-UAE system could take to boot> (optional, default to 5)
Copy FROM env/UAELoad.cfg TO ENVARC:
Copy FROM env/UAELoad.cfg TO ENV:
Run iGame and add some of the games installed in your E-UAE filesystem to its repository.
Double-click on the game you want to launch through E-UAE.
Have fun!
1.You can edit and set your WHDLoad game settings directly from iGame with RCommand + P.
2.You can leave out E-UAE running in background, no need to quit it between each game you want to run. Just quit the WHDLoad game with its configured quitkey, and go back to your iGame screen to launch a new game. It will be passed through the already running E-UAE and additionaly the E-UAE screen will automatically pop to front if STool is installed and the "uaescr" option is set in the UAELoad.cfg configuration file.
3.As an example, you have some E-UAE configuration files (for MorphOS and AmigaOS 4) in the "Bonus" directory.
4.No need to look for the smallest timeout value that meets your system. It is only a max value, the wrapper will always start its job as soon as your E-UAE is ready to.
1. Why do I need to install this very old tool named STool?
E-UAE REXX port lacks a SCREENTOFRONT command.
Then, STool is used to allow the wrapper to send a SCREENTOFRONT to the E-UAE screen.
2. What is the E-UAE screen name? And why is it set to "n/a" in the default UAELoad.cfg file?
On MorphOS and AmigaOS 4 versions of E-UAE, the screen has no name, so uaescr should be set to "n/a" since it is the way STool manages the unamed screens. Of course, it will not work properly if you have several unamed screens opened at the same time, but it is a quite rare situation.
3. I can't launch my WHDLoad games or demos from theirs icons!
UAELoad is not designed to be used directly as a tool from an icon.
You won't be able to launch your WHDLoad games or demos from theirs icons.
Use iGame (or CLI).
OffseT of Futurs' <offset@cpcscene.com>
Contents of misc/emu/UAELoad.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 375 700 53.6% -lh5- 32ed Dec 2 23:35 UAELoad/Bonus/AmigaOS-UAELoad.conf
[generic] 576 1027 56.1% -lh5- d376 Dec 2 20:56 UAELoad/Bonus/MorphOS-UAELoad.conf
[generic] 482 918 52.5% -lh5- f5ce Dec 4 17:29 UAELoad/Bonus/Startup-Sequence_AmigaOS3.9_Lite_for_UAE
[generic] 1908 4376 43.6% -lh5- d42c Dec 1 20:20 UAELoad/C/WHDLoad
[generic] 95 129 73.6% -lh5- 7981 Dec 2 19:21 UAELoad/env/UAELoad.cfg
[generic] 1564 3541 44.2% -lh5- 77df Dec 4 17:33 UAELoad/UAELoad.readme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 6 files 5000 10691 46.8% Dec 4 20:08
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