The Speccylator program emulates a 48k Sinclair ZX Spectrum computer.
This distribution contains three versions: a 68020-compatible full-featured
version, an equivalent 68000 version, and a quick-and-dirty 68000 version
which does faster but less accurate emulation.
The program needs at least version 2.0 of the Amiga operating system;
apart from that, nothing is required beyond a standard Amiga 500 with about
450 kByte of available RAM (for the full versions).
Current features are modest, but handy:
- Fully multitasking; completely system-friendly.
- Any number of instances of the program can run in parallel.
- Z80 CPU emulation runs as a separate task, at a controllable priority.
- Very exact Z80 emulation, including full BCD flag handling.
- Undocumented Z80 instructions emulated.
- Processor signals RES, NMI and INT can be manually triggered.
- Emulates only the 48k version of the ZX Spectrum.
- ZX Spectrum display fully emulated; custom screen only.
- Bitmap display updating synchronized with vertical blanking.
- Border emulated, but not synchronized with vertical blanking.
- Pretty good sound emulation (DMA not used).
- Kempston joystick interface emulation.
- Controllable use of audio channels.
- Loads/saves machine state snapshots on "*.sna" format only.
- Save current ZX Spectrum display to file on IFF ILBM format.
- Default settings can be saved.
- Individual project settings can be saved for snapshot files.
- Emulation can be paused; does not use CPU resources meanwhile.
- Frequency of periodic maskable interrupt (INT) is controllable.
The program does *not* (yet), among other things:
- Load/save from/to tape.
- Patch the ZX Spectrum ROM routines for any purposes.