NESDevTools is a small collection of Amiga tools which make development
of NES games and demos easier. They manipulate graphics to make for easier
creation of CHR-ROM and NAM Table data.
Included in Version 1.0 of the collection are:
Raw2CHR: Converts Raw Interleaved graphics data into the NES' CHR format.
CHARlie: Compresses and optimizes NES CHR-ROM data.
CHR2NAM: Creates a Name Table for you from an input image and CHR file.
Read the documentation for each program for a better idea of what the
programs can do. Or, you can visit my web page for graphical examples
of what the programs can do.
C source code for the programs are included. You may compile your own
versions of the programs, or make improvements as you see fit. Just note
that the original author of these programs is me (Chris Covell), and
that I am not responsible for how you use these programs or their
Other things of mine which you should check out are:
pix/anim/AmiBanner.lha ;An animating GIF banner that supports Amiga.
pix/boot/Win95BURN.lha ;My Windows'95 trasher. Burn, baby burn!!!
pix/boot/Win95BURN.jpg ;A JPEG version of that pic.
pix/boot/WinBURN24.lha ;A 24-bit IFF version of that pic.
pix/wb/BeBoxWBs.lha ;Some pics of my WB using the BeIcons.
pix/wb/JapanWB.lha ;A Japanese Workbench. ;-)
pix/wb/HAMBrowse.lha ;A Pic showing how to browse the WWW in HAM!
pix/icon/BeIcons_2.lha ;A set of NewIcons in the BeOS style! (and more!)
pix/trace/SidMan*.lha ;Concept Render of a SID-Playing Walkman.
pix/trace/SidManLCD.lha ;LCD texture from the SID walkman.
gfx/aga/HUGEBench.lha ;Some monitor settings for a HUGE Workbench!
text/font/C-64Font.lha ;A Commodore-64 font with European accents.
misc/emu/Snd2Mid.lha ;Converts NES PSG songs to MIDI!!
And of course, my webpage at
It has lots of stuff that you might enjoy exploring.
See ya!