Frodo V4.1 is a free, portable C64 emulator for BeOS, Unix, MacOS,
AmigaOS(68k+PPC with WarpOS),RiscOS and WinNT/95 systems.
This is another Update:
- in rtgmaster mode (set env:Frodo/usertg and env:Frodo/Fullscreen to 1)
for OCS/ECS/AGA users a special c2p is activated which is 3x faster
than the up-to-now-used Screen-Refresh. On my 150 MHz 604e i get up
to 160% on AGA now (on GFX Board i get up to 180%), the old WPA8 based
method got only 55%, even if NewWPA8.lha was installed. Note that the
special c2p only supports the following screen resolutions:
640x400,640x200,640x256,640x272,384x272. My speedtests were done in
640x400 (NTSC Hires Interlaced). In the GFX Board Part nothing
changed. And remember, the new AGA speedup is only available in rtgmaster mode.
Another possibility would be using 640x256. You don't see the drives and the
fps counter then, but the whole C64 display is displayed correctly. And you
get up to 170% on AGA with it, using the new c2p :)
This is an Update of the PPC Version:
- Now optionally display through rtgmaster.library is supported (only for
GFX Boards). To activate it, set env:Frodo/usertg to 1, if you set i
to 0, rtgmaster won't be used.
Running it on rtgmaster, changes the following things (all timing done
on 150 MHz 604e):
- Normal version changes from 170% to 180% speed
- PC Version changes from 130% to 145% speed
- SC Version stays around the same
- The Menu is no longer accessible (not supported by rtgmaster), you
can quit by pressing CTRL+Q (this only works in the rtgmaster-mode).
Asides from that, no changes (means: Sound still not working, working on it).
If you want faster a AGA version:
I need a c2p algorithm, that can c2p from 392x301 Bytes Chunky Buffer to
a 640x400 Sized Planar Screen (anyways, if 68k or PPC). If someone can
give me such a c2p, then it will run faster on AGA.
Changes to the 68k Version:
- Well, it is for PPC now :)
- "Normal" Version runs at about 170% on a 150 MHz Board, probably
faster on a 200 MHz Board :)
- With env:Frodo/Fullscreen you can say, if Frodo should run in a
Workbench Window or a Screen. Note: Frodo is quite slow, if you
run it in 15-24 Bit, so i recommend running it on a 8 Bit Screen.
Frodo needs a 392x301 Screen, but it also can run on bigger
sized Screens.
- Frodo now also supports AGA. But on GFX Boards it is much faster
(you need to run it in Interlaced for AGA...)
Sound is not yet implemented, if you try to activate AHI, it will
just crash. Hopefully this will be fixed soon. I am working on it.
Some of the emulation's features:
- This emulator focuses on the exact reproduction of special graphical
effects possible on the C64, and has therefore relatively high system
requirements. It should only be run on systems with at least a
- Frodo is capable of running most games and demos correctly, even those
with FLI, FLD, DYCP, open borders, multiplexed sprites, timing
dependent decoders, fast loaders etc.
- 6510 emulation: All undocumented opcodes, 100% correct decimal mode,
instruction/cycle exact emulation.
- VIC emulation: Line-/cycle-based emulation, all display modes, sprites
with collisions/priorities, DMA cycles, open borders, all $d011/$d016
- SID emulation: Real-time digital emulation (16 bit, 44.1kHz), including
filters (only under BeOS, Linux, HP-UX, MacOS and AmigaOS).
- 1541 emulation: Drive simulation in directories, .d64/x64 or .t64/LYNX
files, or processor-level 1541 emulation that works with about 95% of
all fast loaders and even some copy protection schemes.
- Other peripherals: Keyboard and joystick (real joysticks (only under
BeOS, Linux and AmigaOS) or keyboard emulation).
- The full source code in C++ is available.
- Frodo is freeware. Why pay >$40 for a C64 emulator?
The most important changes from V4.0:
- Ability to save/load the emulator state to/from snapshot files
- Added Frodo PC, an improved line-based emulation
- Sound support for Solaris 2.x
- Fixed several bugs in the 6510/6526 emulation
- Ported to Win32 and Acorn RiscOS
Hardware supported:
- BeBox or PowerMac with BeOS DR8
- Unix systems with X11R6 or Linux/SVGAlib (Tcl/Tk 4.1 recommended)
- 68k or PPC Macintosh with System 7.5
- Amiga/DraCo with 68040/68060, AmigaOS 3.0 and a graphics card
- Amiga PPC with WarpOS
- Acorn RiscPC with RiscOS
- Intel x86 system running Windows NT/95