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misc/emu/AmiMSX_asm.lha |
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This is the sourcecode of one of the best MSX2 emulators for Amiga Classic. It's free and its source code is open. Features:
Smoth Scrolls.
R-800 CPU supported.
Z-80A Emulation highly optimized and compatible.
One Frame screen refresh!
MSX Disk drives supported via Amiga Disk drives.
MSX Disk images supported (MVD:)
Cartridges (ROM images) supported (Mega-ROMs aswell)
100% Compatible with MC68020/030/040/060
Line Interrupts support with screen changes in real time.
MSX, MSX2 and MSX2+ ROMs supported.
DOS and DOS2 ROMs supported.
KANA ROM supported. (Kanji graphics)
All MSX2 Screen modes supported.
Two JoySticks ports supported.
MSX Tape simulation support.
MSX Mouse supported
MSX Printer supported
PSG and SCC Sound support.
Cheat mode. (Find and set cheats in your games!)
Mini-Debug mode. (Show memory and CPU registers)
PAL and NTSC frequencies ONLY acepted.
xpk, Stone Cracker and File Imploder decrunch support.
Great GUI, very easy of use.
Key file support.
AGA Chip set Required.
Don't work with Graphics cards.
ONLY work with PAL or NTSC frequencies.
v3.1 (25 September 2000)
MSX2 Overscan mode support (Sex Bomb Bunny / MATRA)
Screen 2 and 4 with ONE tile Bank support (Ark-A-Noah / MATRA)
100% Compatible with all Motorola procesors (020/030/040/060)
Z-80A Emulation is now Syncronized (Slow but more Quality)
Now, a lot of things are 100% syncronized like a real MSX.
Full support of Line Interrupts.
CPU Emulation can run at Real/Fast/Turbo Modes.
Screen 8 Sprites are now emulated with your real colours.
v2.52 (August 1999)
AmiMSX is FreeWare. (Included Key file Registered to the Amiga Community)
v2.51 (7 October 1997)
More compatibility with MC68060.
v2.5 (10 September 1997)
KANA ROM Supported. (Kanji graphics)
Screen 3 emulated. (Graph Multi)
Simulation of Japanese ROM-Bios.
BIG Bug fixed in Z-80A Slower.
Mini-Debug mode.
Tape mode support.
Refresh Internal Amiga Clock (NO more time Freezed)
Saves MSX2 Sprites like a IFF-ILBM file.
Some Z-80A and VDP bugs fixed.
xpk support (Cartridges only)
Saves ASL paths.
Key file support.
Contents of misc/emu/AmiMSX_asm.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 8682 27324 31.8% -lh5- 356b Oct 1 2000 AmiMSX/Docs/AmiMSX.guide
[generic] 652 1669 39.1% -lh5- 6ec7 Jan 12 2002 AmiMSX/Docs/AmiMSX.guide.info
[generic] 8698 54270 16.0% -lh5- 7bc6 Jan 6 2001 AmiMSX/GadToolsBox/AmiMSX_v3.1.gui
[generic] 21787 198072 11.0% -lh5- 7d5d Sep 25 2000 AmiMSX/GadToolsBox/AmiMSX_v3.1.s
[generic] 1007 5940 17.0% -lh5- d06e Sep 23 2000 AmiMSX/Gfx/AmiMSX_Logo.raw
[generic] 5603 64320 8.7% -lh5- ddb1 Mar 25 2000 AmiMSX/Gfx/MatraLogo.raw
[generic] 2481 10000 24.8% -lh5- d96f Dec 24 1996 AmiMSX/Gfx/Sample-Ruido.raw
[generic] 6455 17510 36.9% -lh5- db53 Sep 23 2000 AmiMSX/Pics/AmiMSX_Logo.Iff
[generic] 8835 23146 38.2% -lh5- 7d64 Mar 5 2000 AmiMSX/Pics/AmiMSX_Matra.Iff
[generic] 9598 35772 26.8% -lh5- 1a7c Sep 25 2000 AmiMSX/Pics/Keyboard.Iff
[generic] 709 1496 47.4% -lh5- 3291 Jan 12 2002 AmiMSX/Pics/Keyboard.Iff.info
[generic] 6260 20884 30.0% -lh5- dd0b Mar 25 2000 AmiMSX/Pics/Matra_Logo.Iff
[generic] 244224 244224 100.0% -lh0- bceb Sep 5 1997 AmiMSX/AmiMSX2.data
[generic] 180 180 100.0% -lh0- 11e6 Jul 9 2000 AmiMSX/AmiMSX2.mapper
[generic] 75070 371354 20.2% -lh5- fcdf Nov 5 2001 AmiMSX/AmiMSX_Main_v3.1.asm
[generic] 39391 158181 24.9% -lh5- 899e Nov 5 2001 AmiMSX/AmiMSX_Menu_v3.1.asm
[generic] 284 757 37.5% -lh5- 2a8f Jan 11 1980 AmiMSX/Registros/Registros.asm
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 17 files 439916 1235099 35.6% Jul 21 16:31
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