Fish Fillets Next Generation 0.7.1
This is a puzzle game where player needs to guide fishs through levels. To play
this, you need to download huge (90MB) data file package from sourceforge.
After depacking the data file somewhere on your hd, copy "fillets" executable
directory. The game should start now. Have fun!
Up, down, left and right arrow keys control the current fish.
Use space bar to switch between the fish.
See also "How to Play" data/doc/html/manual.html
restart level - Backspace
help - F1
save game - F2
load game - F3
show/hide move counter - F5
show/hide subtitles - F6
game menu - F10
fullscreen - F11
faster game - Shift
Changes to 0.6.0
Fish Fillets NG - 0.7.1
* Spanish translation
* Dutch translation
* minor bug fixes (default speech, mingw32 build)
Fish Fillets NG - 0.7.0
* Italian translation
* Polish translation
* correction of English dialogs
* step counter color depends on active fish
* options menu is refreshed when lang is changed
* added menu to choose speech ("cs" or "none")
* enabled speech=cs as default
* fixed fullscreen on win32
* updated halloffame score (thanks to many)
Fish Fillets NG - 0.6.1
* fixed crash with empty lang
Fish Fillets uses SDL, SDL_Mixer, SDL_ttf (FreeType 2), SDL_Image and Lua. The
is licenced under GNU General Public Licence (GPL).
See more information about game, screenshots, controls and gameplay here: