84782 packages online
game/think/battle-pong.i386.zip |
No screenshot available
This is a classic pong-game for AROS that uses SDL.
You can play alone or against each other.
Support ogg music!!! :)
Please refer to the README-file for more information.
The authors homepage: http://icculus.org/battlepong/
Compiling for AROS, Miloslav Martinka.
Uploaded using: archives.aros-exec.org
Contents of game/think/battle-pong.i386.zip
Archive: /home/aminet/aminet_root/doc//game/think/battle-pong.i386.zip
Length Method Size Ratio Date Time CRC-32 Name
-------- ------ ------- ----- ---- ---- ------ ----
0 Stored 0 0% 11-17-08 14:17 00000000 Battle-Pong/
376 Defl:N 199 47% 11-17-08 14:17 57472d37 Battle-Pong/AUTHORS
1287396 Defl:N 597710 54% 11-17-08 14:17 758cb4d7 Battle-Pong/battlepong.exe
5657 Defl:N 5662 -0% 11-17-08 14:17 7a4f340e Battle-Pong/battlepong.exe.info
18009 Defl:N 6832 62% 11-17-08 14:17 a0305209 Battle-Pong/GPL
0 Stored 0 0% 11-17-08 14:17 00000000 Battle-Pong/img/
26230 Defl:N 26117 0% 11-17-08 14:17 eb92944b Battle-Pong/img/game-sprites.png
3245 Defl:N 1976 39% 11-17-08 14:17 a0bed7ef Battle-Pong/img/game.png
44008 Defl:N 20265 54% 11-17-08 14:17 fa72e863 Battle-Pong/img/hyperfont.ttf
36914 Defl:N 36852 0% 11-17-08 14:17 b86e72b3 Battle-Pong/img/menu-opts.png
103790 Defl:N 103782 0% 11-17-08 14:17 b2e3e0a5 Battle-Pong/img/menu.png
910 Defl:N 517 43% 11-17-08 14:17 7889ff88 Battle-Pong/LICENSE
4333 Defl:N 1824 58% 11-17-08 14:17 2947e242 Battle-Pong/README
0 Stored 0 0% 11-17-08 14:17 00000000 Battle-Pong/snd/
23084 Defl:N 11473 50% 11-17-08 14:17 08a6f1c5 Battle-Pong/snd/bounce.wav
4119442 Defl:N 4111865 0% 11-17-08 14:17 a0a3ea80 Battle-Pong/snd/game-music.ogg
330 Defl:N 136 59% 11-17-08 14:17 327b687b Battle-Pong/snd/getmusic.sh
4681977 Defl:N 4663336 0% 11-17-08 14:17 81f26578 Battle-Pong/snd/menu-music.ogg
45728 Defl:N 41362 10% 11-17-08 14:17 e89ff7c2 Battle-Pong/snd/menu-opt.wav
13263 Defl:N 13268 0% 11-17-08 14:17 53a23a71 Battle-Pong/source.tar.gz
5935 Defl:N 5940 -0% 11-17-08 14:16 fe5cd98b Battle-Pong.info
-------- ------- --- -------
10420627 9649116 7% 21 files
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