What is this?:
This is a Tetris like game where the objective is to arrange falling
symbols in horizontal lines of 5 or more.
The symbols have diffrent colours and you can score lines by either
make lines in the same colour, symbol or both.
Vertical lines will also disappear and score a few points, but does not
award lines needed for level-advancement.
There are also many bonuses with diffrent functions.
This game is in development and under evaluation, many features are
still missing or incomplete, the SFX is temporary.
If you have any comments or ideas...don't hesitate to send me a mail.
Left-Arrow - Move symbol left
Right-Arrow - Move symbol right
Down-Arrow - Increase drop speed
Up-Arrow - Skip bonus symbol
Please not that my homepage has moved, my new address is:
Also check out my other Aminet releases:...
* game/action/babeanoid_demo.lha - 1st offical BabeAnoid-Demo, my
HUGE BreakOut-clone devolped for more than 6 years.
* game/think/DawnVideoPoker.lha - DawnVideoPoker3.0, The world's greatest
videopoker game! (Well, you have to play it to prove me wrong ;))
* game/actio/spaceball2000.lha - A futuristic sport game, a cross between
pong/tennis/speedball. 1 or 2 players.
* game/think/D-Flip.lha - "Tile-Flipping" game, the objective is to change
a board of tiles into the same number using as few moves as possible.
* game/think/Simon2001.lha - My version of the old classic where you repeat
sequences of light and sound.
* game/think/SeaHaven2000.lha - Semi-finished but fully playable solitare
game with features taken from the SGI version.
* game/actio/Fnurr2000.lha - Make your pixel avoid other homing pixels and
trick them to crash and explode. A demonstration that a simple game
with only 26 pixels can actually be funny!